Chapter 61 : Side Story - Forgotten World (3)

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Mt. Vaglar

The ogre sent to reconnoiter the Norstomino district had returned and was reporting to Daxild at his study

Daxild: What? You remember it being defeated by a gun at point-blank range?

Ogre: Yes. It was surrounded by several heavy infantrymen and when it got exhausted, it was gunned down by a gunner

Daxild: So even muskets mortally wound you and your kind...

While there are various opinions as to how lethal muskets are, when using normal amounts of gunpowder, the bullet it fires can easily pierce the normal thin sheet of metal armoring a foot soldier uses from a range of 100m. The case for heavy armor specifically designed to repel such bullets is of course different but that would be the exception to the rule. As it turns out, no matter how strong a living being is, there is a limit to the durability of organic flesh

Daxild: Then we shouldn't have sent a recon force in the first place, since if that's how they carry out their strategy, they shouldn't be able to hold out against the full force of our army

Ogre: But wouldn't it be bad if they mass produce those kinds of weapons?

Daxild: We have two of their mining districts. If they can't procure the resources necessary, then there shouldn't be any problem

Since the ogre tasked with reconnaissance was only ordered to witness how the inferiors were able to defeat ogres, once he witnessed that the ogre was defeated, he immediately turned back. As such, he was not aware of the retaking of the fallen districts. Consequently, Daxild and the others did not know that one of the mining districts had been taken back. It was all down to the faulty demonic control device and the incompleteness of orders given

Daxild: Alright. Bahara! Time to get the army in shape to set out! Make sure you properly drill them, yes?

Bahara: Understood

The two ogres departed from the study

Daxild then proceeded towards a meeting room where his Annonrial subordinates were waiting. Upon entering the room, he immediately closed the door behind him.

Daxild: What a feat for undeveloped barbarians to defeat that ogre

Annonrial Staff: Good grief. With the ogre defeated, the spring districts might still be in the hands of the inferiors... Should we really go ahead and remove the seal on that thing?

Daxild: Are you sure? We don't know how many casualties it'll cause

One of his subordinates handed him a cup of tea. Blowing upon it to cool it, he then drenched his dry throat as he took a sip. Afterwards, he let out a deep sigh

Daxild: Since we would also be caught within the danger zone, I'd like to keep it as a last resort as much as possible... Well, we wouldn't be around to know if it will be around to destroy even the Third Civilization Area

Annonrial Staff: Yeah. How many days do you think the cleansing process will take?

Daxild: The circumstances from Nosgorath's time aren't the same, so I think we should give it around two weeks."

Annonrial Staff: I wanna take a vacation once we get back...

Daxild: Did Zelsmalim make contact?

Annonrial Statf: Not yet

Daxild: Not yet, huh... Well, that's it for today. Working overtime is just a tad bit excessive

Malnovo district

Mimicking a human for camouflage, Zelsmalim staggeringly made his way down a torch-lit street. Having received a message from Daxild about the attack on the Fonnolvo district, today he was out to head towards the Centuro district to carry out orders to infiltrate the Legastilo district during the chaos

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