Chapter 23 : The Red Bear vs Demons

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The continent of Fillades was northwest of the Soviet Union. In the northeast of Fillades was a large island about as large as Estonian SSR. There was a natural bridge that was only 200 meters wide but 30 kilometers long that connected the island to the continent. The country that called this island home was none other than the Topa Kingdom. To the northeast of Topa was another bridge, this one 100 meters wide and 40 kilometers long, that joined them with the continent of Grameus

Grameus was populated with creatures called demons. There were no settlements of humans or demi-humans there. No one could communicate with demons, and they attacked all the human races on sight. Demons did not have any kind of civilization, they simply used their superior physical abilities to hunt people in a berserk rampage. For the Soviet people, if they were to describe demons in a single word, that word would be "pests"

In the northeastern region of Topa, there was a castle town called Tormis that stood between the Topa Kingdom and the demons of Grameus. Its walls blocked off the natural bridge and were known as the Doors to the World. They had repelled countless demon invasions. Topan soldiers were permanently stationed at the Doors to the World, and the castle town Tormis was founded to support those soldiers

The citizens of Topa were very proud that their country guarded the world from demon invasions. From what the superpowers and the civilized areas have said, the suppression of demons allows them to maintain order and focus on developing their countries. Without the people of Topa, humanity wouldn't be as prosperous

One quiet morning, Gai, a sellsword, was looking over at Grameus from on top of the Doors to the World

Gai: Nnngaaah... so sleepy. I wanna lie down...

Gai yawned dispiritedly

Moah: Come now, the task of monitoring Grameus is imperative for the survival of both humans and demihumans

His childhood friend, the knight Moah, warned him

Gai: You always say that, but...

Gai looked down at the wall

Gai: The Doors to the World are 20 meters tall. In the last 10 years, the worst attack we've had was when 10 goblins got lost! We picked up our bows, bing bang boom, oh, they're already dead. Until there are over a hundred goblins, there ain't nothing to be scared of anyway. Even if I take a nap, it's all the same, right?

Moah: ...If you look back a 100 years, orcs and goblin lords have also attacked the wall. They are problematic foes

The elvish knight rebutted and Gai was silent for a moment

Gai: I guess you're right. Orcs are so strong you'd need ten knights working together to defeat it. But anyway, elves are way too serious, counting time in centuries... good grief

The sellsword Gai hung his head. This was his daily life. From north of the wall all the way to Grameus, there was short grass, so there was a lot of visibility. In this season, the grass was a deep green, so the entire northern part of the continent was filled with fields of emerald. Birds sang and butterflies danced. Nothing else would happen today, and they'd soon be relieved of their duties

Right as Moah and Gai each thought this...


They heard something... something repulsive

Gai: What was that?!

Moah: Huh?! The ground over there... it's turning black!

Moah yelled as he looked through a telescope towards Grameus

Moah: Those... those are goblins!!! The ground is completely covered in them, and they're headed this way!!! Ahh! Orcs! There are orcs too! There are... there are over a hundred enemies!!!

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