Chapter 53 : The Pride of the Powerful (2)

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Holy Mirishial Empire, Imperial Capital Runepolis, Imperial Palace

The Holy Mirishial Empire developed at an accelerated pace by studying the ruins of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire and used its superior level of technology to climb to the top of the world. With this power, it built the extremely splendorous capital city of Runepolis using resources gathered from around the world. The citizens of the empire all consider it the true center of the world. The city is full of vehicles zooming around that are at the cutting edge of magical technology, and countless high-rise buildings are all lined up in rows. At night, the city glows with soft magical light

When foreigners visit the imperial capital for the first time, they all say "What a glorious city; what a wealthy country; it's like a tale from legend come to life..."

In the middle of the city of Runepolis, the so-called center of the world, is the Imperial Palace, where the emperor who moves the world lives. That emperor was about to begin an emergency meeting. For the Holy Mirishial Empire, who had until now been able to conduct foreign affairs without any fear, an enemy had set foot on their soil for the first time. Despite the fact that it came about from a surprise attack, this meeting would determine the countermeasures they took against the Gra Valkas Empire

Aside from Emperor Mirishial, the attendees included:
- Minister of the Military Schmielpow
- Director of Imperial Defense Agra
- Information Director Arneus
- Head of Foreign Affairs Riage

The rest were all high-level governmental officials. Pecras, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, had already left for Cartalpas to rejoin the leadership conference, so he was not present. Therefore, Riage, the head of the foreign affairs office, was his representative to avoid forcing Pecras to make numerous trips between Cartalpas and the imperial capital

Agra: We will now commence the emperor's meeting

Agra was leading this meeting

Agra: I shall now give a summary of the situation that led to this meeting. The other day, during the 11-country leadership conference, an uncivilized nation to the west, the Gra Valkas Empire, declared their intent to subjugate the entire world. Gra Valkas is currently occupying the western countries of the Second Civilization. They have a number of consecutive military victories, including the destruction of the former superpower Leifor with just the power of a single warship. We believe this is what's fueling their violent conceit

Agra: After their reckless declaration at the leadership conference, the Gra Valkans delegation departed from Cartalpas on their battleship. Shortly afterward, a separate fleet appeared at the western islands and proceeded to attack the Zeroth Magic Fleet

The battle report that followed shocked the room

Agra: The enemy's forces consisted of 2 battleships, 3 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and 5 smaller ships-12 ships in total. Their battleships were on par with our newest magic ships. Enemy losses include 1 battleship, 1 heavy cruiser, 2 small ship sunk, heavy damage to 1 heavy cruiser, medium damage to 1 light cruiser, and numerous cases of minor damage. With regards to the naval battle alone, it was our victory. However, due to the enemy's fierce aerial attack afterwards, the Zeroth Magic Fleet was annihilated

Frenzied whispers filled the room. The highly-decorated 0th Magic Fleet consisted of the Holy Mirishial Empire's newest ships, and it symbolized the empire's strength. To think that their strongest fleet was eliminated from the air... The country's leaders were devastated

Minister General Affairs: That's impossible! There is no way for our fleet, already primed for combat, to be destroyed by some little planes!!! Were they heavily damaged at the time?

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