Chapter 54 : The Pride of the Powerful (3)

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Holy Mirishial Empire, port town Cartalpas, southwestern skies

After Gra Valkas's 200 aircraft easily shot down Mirishial's fighters, they proceeded toward the port town of Cartalpas. The first stage of their offensive involved intercepting and attacking the fleets from this world, then going on to bomb Cartalpas. This would induce fear of the Gra Valkas Empire while simultaneously showing the rest of the world how weak the Holy Mirishial Empire was, tearing down the perception that they were the strongest country in the world. This would encourage other countries to distance themselves from Mirishial and come under Gra Valkas's wing instead

There were no precise military goals for this operation; there were both targets to attack and broad objectives, but how to go about accomplishing all of it was left to the discretion of the leaders on site

Commander Sbawl of the Gra Valkas Empire's Third Carrier Squadron observed the ships below him

Sbawl: Hmph... Sailboats, huh. Laughable. Commence attack on the target fleet!

"Commencing attack! Commencing attack!"

The dive bombers' engines revved loudly, then began to fall through the sky at an angle of 60 degrees below the horizon. Underneath them, a large number of ships left churning water in their wakes, most of them sailing vessels. Sbawl decided to aim for the ships at the very front of the fleet

Sbawl: Hey, otherworlders! Better keep your eyes peeled! That way, you can burn the might of the Gra Valkas Empire into the backs of your skulls!!!

The Sirius-class dive bombers swooped right at the elite ships that represented the world's strongest countries

Holy Mirishial Empire, port town Cartalpas, southern seas

Third Civilization, Pandora Greater Magic Principality, diplomatic escort fleet (8 magic ships)

Lookout: Gra Valkas's iron dragons are diving... They're coming right for us!!!

There was an aerial battle taking place high up in the air. The Gra Valkan Sirius dive bombers squeezed through the gaps between Mu's fighters and the Nigrat Union's wyvern lords

Commander: Pfft! Impudent fools, getting full of themselves. Ready the rune arrows! Don't hold anything back!!!

"Yes sir!!!"

The sailors moved quickly and promptly retrieved the weapons. What looked like bowguns were loaded and pointed at the sky

"Firing preparations complete!"


The line of bowguns all fired at the same time into the air. The arrows' initial velocity from being propelled by the bowstring didn't deteriorate at all as they cut through air because of the explosive magic sealed within their magic gems. The arrow nocks shone red due to being continually pushed forward by compressed air. Created to combat wyverns, these arrows could reach an altitude of two kilometers

"Second round, ready!!!"

The bowguns were loaded again, and they shot more arrows up into the sky

"Wha-?! Enemies! They're shooting light bullets at us!!!"

The closest planes in the Gra Valkan squadron sprayed out bullets from their 12.7mm machine guns. Those bullets pierced through the wooden upper decks of the ship, reaching their magazines and igniting them. The resulting explosive pressure expanded in all directions, and a magnificent column of flame erupted through the top of the ship, sinking the ship

"Magic ship Umis has been sunk!!!"

Commander: Wh-What?! It can't be, that quickly?!

"Bullets of light are heading for us!!!"

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