Chapter 58 : Movements of Each country and beginning of the New World War

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Going back two weeks prior to the televised broadcast…

Central Calendar Day 29 Month 4 Year 1642
Leifor district, Leiforia

11 nations were devastated by the Gra Valkas Empire's surprise attack, having many of their people taken as prisoners. To negotiate the return of their citizens and to convey their desires towards the Gra Valkas Empire, they headed to the diplomatic counter in the provincial capital of the Leifor district, Leiforia

Among these nations with high pride, the majority of their opinions could be summarized as "Just shoot at Gra Valkas!", so this would only be an informal visit. It was also unclear what the Gra Valkas Empire had meant when they had said "Fall within our great country" so the diplomats needed confirmation regarding the Empire's goals

Ambassador Fuutarou Uesugi, who had fought a tongue-in-cheek battle against the Parpaldia Empire, was well qualified to be the Soviet diplomat and was hastily dispatched to negotiate the return of the Soviet prisoners

The participants in these negotiations were:

- Holy Mirishial Empire, Director of Western Foreign Affair, Siwarf
- Mu, Diplomat, Nookaul
- Soviet Union, Diplomat, Fuutarou Uesugi
- Nation of Agartha, Foreign Minister, Lipin

These were the 4 countries entering the port, having sent a magical signal in advance. Leiforia, which had been bombarded by the super-dreadnought Grade Atlastar and turned into ashes, seemed to have recovered slightly, although there were still many scars

Entering the country, they saw the state of Leifor: a former powerhouse with no animation. The eyes of the people, dead and devoid of motivation and ambitions, gave the diplomats a glimpse of the Empire's harsh governance

The Empire also told them that, even if they became hostile, they would be protected so long as they were at the diplomatic window, so they entered the branch office in a dignified manner

Fuutarou's minds: Why do I have to deal with difficult cases and these hardheaded types again?!!...

Tired, Fuutarou entered the building that was said to have an imperial diplomat

10 minutes of waiting in the conference room later, the door opened and a man with a bad face told them to come in

Dallas: Well, powerful nations of this world, what business do you have with this poor guy?

Dallas, a diplomat of the Gra Valkas Empire, made a rude remark unfitting of his profession, causing the faces of the other diplomats to harden

Stepping forward, Fuutarou stated

Fuutarou: The Soviet government expresses its regrets for the armed assault carried out by the Gra Valkas Empire, requests compensation for the sinking of the Cruise ships SN Zosima Shashkov, requests an apology to the bereaved families, demands-

Dallas: Well! Are you the Soviet Union, a transfer nation like us?!

Dallas interrupted

Dallas: I hear that our battleship sunk your ship in just one shot. Even between transfer nations, such a difference is evident! Being a diplomat of a weak country must be painful. By the way, what is regret? How specifically do you deal with it?

Fuutarou: The Empire's remarks at the 11-country leadership conference can be taken as a declaration of war upon the world. Your attitude is reminiscent of a certain country from our past who turned the entire world into their enemy and fought with vigor but failed miserably. Do you think you can win?

Fuutarou coldly asked

Dallas: No matter how many weak nations form a coalition, they will not be strong. The weak will remain the weak

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