Four of a kind

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Couple days later I got to the bau. Emily, Derek, David, Spencer and Penelope were already there, in the conference room. I walked in and took my seat.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. There was some technical issues that required my attention and resulted in me not making in on time," I said.

"Overslept?" Emily asked.

"Yup," I said.

"We were just talking about how almost every single one of us was kidnapped at some point," Emily said.

"That's a weird choice of a topic, but good for you I guess?" I said.

"It really is," Rossi said.

"Well, good times it was. It's nice to be held sometimes," I said, "Hostage or not."

Everyone laughed.

"Why do I get a felling that you didn't get enough love as a child?" Penelope asked.

"Have you met our mother?" Emily asked.

"She's got a point, babygirl," I told her.

"She's my babygirl, you can't just steal her like that," Derek said.

"Watch me," I replied, "So what's the deal? Got a case?"

"No. Not yet, anyway," Spencer said.

"Cool. Wanna get your ass kicked at poker, pretty boy?" I asked him.

"I never lose, but sure we can play. Anyone else in?" He asked.

"Yeah," everyone replied in unison.

"Well, prepare for you first time then," I winked.

"You wish," he said.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Hotch left, said he'll be back in a while. And JJ is in her office," Derek said.

"Alright, let the game begin," I said.

We dealt the cards and started playing. We played for a good while. Derek going bankrupt first. By the end it was only Spencer, David and I left in the game.

I squeezed my eyes looking at my cards.

"Okay, give me three cards," I said.

Reid laughed and Emily gave me three cards.

I forced my micro expressions to show dissatisfaction for a split second before fixing it. I knew they were watching.

"Alright," I said after a while, "I'm going all in."

"Right," Spencer said, going all in too and David following eighth behind him, "You're bluffing."

"Am I though?" I asked.

"Yes, yes you are tesoro. Your face told us that," Rossi said with a proud smile.

"Okay then, I'm checking," I said.

Rossi laid out his cards, "Two pair."

"Gonna beat that, boy wonder?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, I am," he said and laid out his cards.

"Damn, a flush? Really?" I said shaking my head.

"Yep," he said, gathering all the skittles.

"Woah, woah. Not so fast," I said, laying out my cards, "Four of a kind, thank you very much," I said proudly, taking my skittles and eating a few.

"What? But ho- how?"

I laughed, "Told you to get ready to get your ass kicked."

"But you drew three cards, that's, I mean, how?"

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