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We got back from the case last night. I decided sleep is the best way to process what had happened so that's what I planned on doing. I was just waking up when I saw Emily sitting on my bed. Strange, but I didn't question it.

"So much to unpack. It was definitely a crazy thing to do," Emily said.

I yawned turning to face her, "Good morning to you too."

"You literally walked through fire for her," she said, "You're really down bad."

"And I might just not get up. It would make no difference," I said, "By the way, you normally say you'd walk through fire for someone. What do I say if I already did that?"

Emily chuckled, „You say that Derek was right. You just checked off last thing on his list."

„Oh god. He'll never shut up about it now," I sighed.

„He really won't," Emily said and we laughed.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Tell her. You said you trust me. I'm telling you, tell her," she said, "Worst case scenario, nothing will change. Best case scenario, she says it back."

"So you're saying I got nothing to lose," I said.

"You don't. But you have a lot to gain. I know you don't like to talk about it, but Rossi was right, Maya," she told me.

"I know," I sighed, "Don't you think I know that? I can't have a grown up conversation with her because she never hugged me as a kid. It's ridiculous."

"It is, but at least we're on the same boat. We're in this together," she said, "And there's a kind of love out there that neither of us believes exists. And if you take a risk you might just get it from her."

"And if I don't take the risk?" I asked.

"Then sooner or later you'll lose her, like in your favorite movie or whatever. You know, Peter losing Wendy," she said, "But right now you can still change the ending."

"Freaking Peter Pan, man," I said, "Guess it makes sense it's my favorite."

We all got a week off. The other team would handle our cases in the meantime. I was grateful, because that meant I could avoid everything. At least for now.

I really wanted to listen to Emily and talk to JJ, but every time I tried I just couldn't do it. It was like the words kept getting stuck in my throat and I'd choke before I could even call her.

The week passed before I could even blink and we had to go back to work. I didn't waste any time and started doing my work straight away.

"Hey, Maya," Derek said.

"Hm?" I hummed not looking up from my file.

"Would you rather be pretty or funny?" He asked.

I turned my chair to face him and thought for a second, "Well if I had to choose, funny I guess. Good thing I'm both, y'all stay safe though."

"I'm both too, but you always get more girls. It's not fair," he said.

"Stop crying about it and maybe you'll get lucky," I smiled at him.

He threw a pen at me but I caught it and pointed it at him, "Not nice, Derek Morgan."

Right then Garcia came to the bullpen with a worried look and her face. She came straight to me and looked me in the eyes. I looked at her confused and waited for her to say something, but she didn't.

"Do we have a case?" I asked.

"No, but you're coming with me," she said.

"Okay, where?" I asked.

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