Waste of space

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"Will you get out of bed?" Emily asked me.

"Will you stop asking?" I asked.

"Come on," she said sitting next to me, "You're never like this. I don't know how to deal with you. Can't you make a joke or something?"

"You're a joke," I said.

"Your mom is a joke," she said with a small smile.

I laughed, "Shut up."

She smiled and patted my knee, "Good. Now get up. We have work."

„Fine," I groaned and got up.

I wasn't looking forward to going to work today. That meant I had to face JJ and I wasn't ready. We haven't talked since that day. I have no idea what I would say to her.

We got to work and thankfully everyone was busy. I didn't see Jennifer so that's good. What's not good is that Hotch called me to his office and that is almost never a good sign.

I walked in closing the door behind me, "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. Take a seat," he said motioning to the chair.

I sat down and looked at him, "Am I in trouble?"

"No, but I need you to do a psych eval," he told me.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Last case. Mostly, I have some concerns," he said.

I sighed, "Okay, cool. Give me the test."

I took the papers and went back to the bullpen where Emily was with Derek. They looked at me curious about why I was just in our boss' office. I shrugged and put the papers away for later. I started doing my paperwork.

"What was it about?" Emily asked.

"Psych eval about the last case," I said not looking up.

"Damn, you need a lot more than a psych eval," Derek said.

I looked at him, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You got shot for her. You were held at gun point for her. Held hostage for her. You're a cowboy and you're crazy," he said.

"I'd do it for anyone," I told him.

"Right. Surly it wasn't because you have feelings for her. We all heard it," he said.

"I said what I had to say to get out of there. Maybe we wouldn't have to be stuck in there if you got there quicker," I said.

"Oh so it's my fault now? Come on, Prentiss. Get your shit together," he said, "Or don't. You haven't set yourself on fire for her yet."

"You know what? I got work to do," I said.

"Oh, I see you're back to what you do best," Rossi said walking in.

"What now?" I sighed.

"Oblivion, ignorance. You're sabotaging. JJ wasn't ready to give up on your relationship and you were," he said.

„Please don't start it now. I barely got her to come here today. Don't make my life any harder," Emily said.

I shot her a quick look and looked at Rossi, „What makes you think I'm sabotaging? Why would I be doing that?"

„You don't believe that someone like JJ could actually love you. Probably because your mother told you, you were a waist of space."

"I really think we should stop talking about this," Emily said looking from Rossi to me.

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