The pretty one

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Surprisingly nothing in the way JJ and I operated has changed. We'd still have sleepovers most nights of the week. Though it felt a bit different now, mostly on my part. I didn't know when or if I was crossing any boundaries and we haven't exactly talked about that.

I had a day off today, because I had a doctors appointment to follow up on my gunshot wound. Everything was good. The evening wasn't any different than most of them. JJ was coming over and I was listening to true crime with Emily while waiting for her.

We heard the door open and close, JJ came in, „Hey," she said locking the door behind her.

„Hey, how was work?" I asked.

„Work was good," JJ said sitting between us, „There was a fire though."

I looked to Emily, „Did you start it?"

„What? No, what kind of question is that?" Emily asked.

„A valid one," JJ said, „But no. Someone left water boiling on the first floor and we had to evacuate. It was nothing."

„And surprisingly it wasn't you this time," Emily told me.

„Thank god. Hotch would literally disown me," I said.

„You mean fire you?" JJ asked.

„Yes. That is what I meant," I said, „So how's it going with Caroline?"

It's been a few weeks since Jennifer and Caroline met. Everyone on the team has already met her, but I never had the time to. I'm a busy girl. But I didn't want her to think I wasn't happy for her, because I was.

She scratched her forehead, „You know, normal I guess. It's good."

„Good," I nodded, „That's great."

„This is so fucking painful to watch," Emily said, „I'm out," with that she got up and went to her room.

„What's with her?" JJ asked.

I shrugged, „She's complicated sometimes."

„Oh, I almost forgot," JJ said, „I noticed your coffee supply was almost empty so I got you some," she said placing it in my kitchen cabinet.

„Respectfully? I am in love with you," I said.

She chuckled, „I know, lover girl."

„Look who's getting cocky now," I smiled.

„That side of me is reserved only for you," she said sitting back next to me.

„I am honored then," I said putting my hand on her knee.

She leaned on my side with her head on my shoulder, „I wanna watch Hamilton tonight."

„We watched it twice last week," I said.

„So?" She asked and I just nodded.

There was no point arguing so I just put it on and we watched. We both knew almost the whole thing by heart by now so we were singing along. Emily joined after the first few minutes when she heard us.

That week went by and we didn't have even one case. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's definitely boring. We had no paperwork left, yet we were still on the clock so all we had to do was just hanging out in the office.

Days like that are cool, but not when there's so many of them. I love these people, but that doesn't mean I need to see them all the time. I'll never refuse a night out though. That's what we planned for tonight.

We went to a bar and found a booth to sit in. Everyone was there already picking drinks. There was one extra person though, one that I didn't expect. JJ brought her girlfriend. Emily and I sat opposite from them and she looked at me.

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