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"Here, I'll help you with the bag," Derek said while we were entering the bullpen next Monday.

"I'm good," I said and walked in.

"Oh, you're here," David said, "And you're almost not late."

"That's thanks to me," Emily said.

"See? At least one Prentiss can be responsible," he said.

"Ha!" Emily exclaimed, "Told you."

"Please, the only reason you got me to wake up is because you locked your key in your apartment and instead of making a new one, you sold the apartment," I said.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Rossi sighed.

"Look, Maya. As your best friend," he started.

"You're not my best friend," I said.

"As your best friend, I wanted to back you up, but I guess not anymore," he said.

"JJ is Maya's best friend now," Emily said.

"JJ is not my best friend," I told her rolling my eyes.

"JJ was my best friend once," Garcia said walking in with Jennifer, "But then Maya stole her. Then she gave her back and stole her again."

"I didn't steal anyone and first of all she's a person, not a toy you can steal or give back," I said.

"Ooh, she got mad. Protective girlfriend," Derek said.

"Shut up," I said and went to the kitchen.

I started a pot of coffee and sat on the counter waiting for it to be done. I was scrolling on my phone for a while before I poured myself a cup and was about to leave, but Jennifer stopped me.

"Hey," JJ said.

"Hey, pretty girl. Coffee?" I asked.

"Sure. Did they upset you?" She asked.

"No. Why?" I asked.

"By calling you my girlfriend," she said.

"I'm good if you're good," I shrugged.

"While we're at it, I was thinking about something," she said.

"Yeah? What's that?" I asked and poured her a cup.

"Thanks. Remember when we talked about relationships on that last case?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said taking a sip.

"Do you think I could be in a relationship again?" She asked.

"Of course, why not?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'm a little skeptical after the last one. You don't think I would like, mess it up?" She asked.

"Come on, Jayje. Do you have a few things you need to work through? Sure. But of course you wouldn't mess anything up. You're great, anyone would be lucky to be with you," I said.

"You mean that?" She asked.

"Always," I said.

She smiled, "What about you?"

"What about me, what?" I asked.

"Do you think you could be in a relationship?" She asked.

"With the right person, sure," I said.

"Yeah," she nodded, "You think you'd wanna be with someone in the same line of work?"

"Probably, yeah. But you should get out there, really. I mean it would be easier if it was someone on the inside, like we said, but don't limit yourself. Go get yourself a girl, or a man, whoever you want," I said.

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