Truth or dare

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"Playtime's over Prentiss," Hotch told me stopping by my desk on his way to the conference room.

"Great," I said getting up.

Everyone was already there when I walked in and took my seat. Garcia presented the case and we did a quick briefing before the longer one we would do on the jet.

I looked through the file again while going to get some coffee before we had to leave for the jet. I poured myself a cup and was joined by everyone.

"You might be wondering why I gathered you all here," I said looking at everyone.

"Oh no," David said.

"Here we go," Derek sighed.

Emily smiled and pushed me to the side to pour herself a cup too, "She's playing."

"Did nobody teach you manners? You could've just said excuse me," I told her rubbing my arm.

"Sorry, but you should know by now to not stand between me and my coffee," she said.

"God my head is killing me," I said, "What is it with these random headaches suddenly," I mumbled while sitting on the counter and rubbing my temples.

"Those headaches are everything but random," Derek said observing me.

"Then what is it?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"You're dehydrated, stressed, sleep deprived, you lack proper nutrition, you don't wear your glasses nor contacts and you're either over caffeinated or it's caffeine withdrawal," Spencer said bluntly, leaving me speechless for a minute.

"Maybe, but this is kinda disturbing," I said looking at him, "Are you keeping a journal about me or something?"

"No, I got that from looking at you," he said walking away to get his things.

"This kid," I said shaking my head and sipping on my coffee.

"Was he wrong though?" Emily asked.

"How many hours of sleep have you gotten?" Hotch asked me.

"Over what period of time?" I asked genuinely.

"I do not like that answer," he said and went to his office.

Emily laughed shaking her head and also left, almost everyone following her. Only JJ stayed behind with me while I was finishing my coffee and getting a new one.

"Are you okay? Maya if what Spence said is true you have to do something about it. I know you like to ignore things instead of facing them, but this is not the way," JJ told me sitting next to me.

I scoffed, "That's rich coming from you right now, Jennifer. I like to ignore things," I laughed shaking my head.

"This is different because it's your health. And people also depend on you so it's their safety too," she said.

"I'm not your problem anymore, Jareau. So who am I offending now?" I asked her getting off the counter.

I went back to the rest of the team and soon we were on the jet. We did the rest of the briefing there. There was no need in seeing the bodies because the cause of death was very apparent. We also had camera footage of all of the killings.

We gathered in a room to discuss our plan and share are thoughts so far. The case looked a bit different than most.

„So he's staging car accidents and then shoots the victims," I said reading the file again, „That's a first."

„It is," Hotch confirmed, „Do we think it's road rage?"

„Could've been, the first time," JJ said nodding, „And it seems like it gave him right what he needed."

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