Toy car

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We got back to the station to get the witness in for interview. I wanted to be the one to do it. He already felt like owed me because, well, he shot me. So I had better chances to get it all out of him quickly. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to.

Hotch sent me to the hospital to get my arm checked out. He instructed JJ and Derek to come with me. JJ to talk to the doctors and Derek to make sure I wouldn't leave. I swear he treats me like a child.

"How's the pain?" Derek asked.

"Barely even feel it," I said.

"Compare it to something," Derek said.

"Feels like when you get shot," I said.

JJ laughed, "No kidding."

"Well, what am I supposed to compare it to? He got shot before," I said.

"I didn't," JJ said.

"Only hurts when I put the pressure on in," I said.

"On a scale from one to ten?" JJ asked.

"Like a three, wouldn't recommend, but it's not the worst thing," I said.

Derek chuckled, "You're like crazy smart when it comes to work, but with these kind of things your iq goes down to sixty."

"That's cause I spent too much time with you. It was a joke, smarty pants. It's like a six," I said.

"Not too bad then," JJ said.

JJ was laughing the whole time while Derek and I were bickering. He's like my brother. The kind I'd give my kidney to, but I would end him if he took something of mine without asking. I guess the whole team is like that. It's really a blessing. And sometimes a curse for Hotch. He secretly loves it, but he'll never admit that.

The doctors said I was really lucky because the bullet didn't hit any major arteries. Turns out it wasn't just a scratch, but I already knew that. They wanted to keep me for an observation and do some tests to make sure everything was fine.

I wanted to go and argue about it because it's not like I'm here on vacation. We have a very dangerous guy to catch. And that's when I realized why JJ was the one to talk to the doctors. And why Derek was supposed to not let me walk out. I never underestimated Aaron, but he really does know what he's doing.

"You seem upset," Derek said, "Is the pain worse?"

"She's upset about the hoodie," JJ shook her head.

"Are you surprised? It was a great hoodie," I said.

"I'm not saying it wasn't, but you just got shot and you're worried about a hoodie," JJ said.

"It was a really good hoodie though," Derek said.

"Thank you," I said.

We've been sitting there for hours. I get the doctors have a lot of work, but we do too. We can't afford to just sit here while the UnSub is on the loose.

We decided to work with the team over the phone. The witness thankfully had a lot of information about the guy we were looking for, so we had something. It was still a long way to go though.

I had to stay for an observation so Derek went back to the station, but JJ insisted on staying. We were still working with the rest of the team over the phone until about nine pm. They were finishing for the day so we did too.

"The first time I ever needed stitches was when Emily got mad at me because I took her remote control car toy even though I had my own. So she took the remote and threw it at me," I said, "Still have the scar."

Better days (JJxOC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang