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I couldn't sleep after that unknown call for three days. I was so fucked up. Ranvijay was so busy with his work that we barely had time to speak to each other. Meantime, I tried to talk to him but his yelled voice over the calls made me reconsider my decision.

So, I dropped the idea but I needed someone's help so I called Arjun. He will surely help me. My heartbeat thudded with no reason when I called him. Maybe I'm nervous. All is well.

ARJUN: "Yeah Kashish" we didn't greet each other but he spoke in a harsh steady voice I'd never heard from him before.

ME: "how have you been bhai?"

ARJUN: "I am okay. Any urgent work Kashish" he looked in hurry.

ME: "Nah! Nothing urgent" I couldn't think straight through the fog of adrenaline.

ARJUN: "Kashish, I will call you later. I am busy with some work" Before I could say bye, he hung up the call.

Something was weird with Arjun. He had been behaving so oddly for the last two months. I hope everything is okay between Isha and him. These days whenever someone take Isha's name in front of him, it would only made him crazy in certain way. 

I think it's a bad idea to interrupt him again. My phone dings. It was text from stalker. My eyebrows went straight after reading his message.

STALKER: "I taught a good lesson to Satvik for troubling you all the time. He is in ICU now"

I tried not to shiver but things weren't in my favor. That bastard is back. No matter how strong I would've pretended to be whenever he called me, deep inside, I was fucking scared. He brutally beat up Satvik and he ended up in the hospital.

He is now hurting people around me. Things like stalking never bothered me. It would be fascinating to read stories about stalkers, but reality hit different. Knowing you have a stalker, is fucking scary.

I wanted to scream as I'm responsible for Satvik's condition. No matter how much Satvik deserves that treatment, Satvik was just another parasite in my life. He was obsessed with me, even Vikrant once warned him but Satvik never stopped following me.

"I will kill that Major who has my girl" his girl not even in his dream. And he has desire to kill my major; he doesn't even know how many pieces Ranvijay would make if someday he bumped into him.

I've never underestimated Ranvijay. No one knows better than me how ruthless and scary Ranvijay is? But still, a soft part of my heart worried for him. Ranvijay is my only source of love. My life! My family! Everything!

"Kashish! Kashish!" someone tapped my shoulder. It was Riya. "Yeah!" I was struggling with my answer because I don't have any idea for how long I was zoned out. I was blackout. Totally.

"Is everything okay? You look so flushed, so lost" she run her finger into my hair. I took deep breath. One! Two! Three! I mustered a forced smile. "Yeah, everything is fine" I don't want to tell her anything. What if that stalker hurt her?

"What were you saying earlier?" I tried to be clam but I was still tapping my feet beneath the table. We were in canteen for our lunch break. "Have you interviewed for internship? I mean, we barely left month so what's your plan?" Riya sipped her tea.

How did time fly so soon? I forgot about my career. This stalker—I want to kill him. Yes, our golden period was coming to an end. Golden period because in the past five months I found out how insanely I'm in love with Ranvijay.

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