Chapter 2

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picture of Jonathan to the right


“Are you sure this is the city Father? It seems so modern, almost like it’s inhabited by normal people instead of shifters.”

“Jonathan it seems you have forgotten that it was normal people who housed us last time and in return we destroyed their home,” snapped his father.

Jonathan looked uncomfortably at his feet when he finally felt a little hand grab his. He smiled at his little sister who was eyeing him suspiciously.

“Are you sad Jon?” she asked.

“No Lizzy just tired from the move. Where’s Kevin?”

“Inside with Mom, their talking to the hotel guy about our new beds,” she said in a nonchalant way.

Lizzy and Kevin hadn’t known anything but the way they were living. Jon on the other hand had once known of a beautiful house with a massive backyard. It may sound cliché but it was his and he missed it. Ever since the first attack his family, like all the others, had to run. Now for the last eight years they had only lived in a place for a few weeks before they had to move again. This is the furthest they had been from their enemy and hopefully it was the last time they would run.

“Come on everything’s taken care of and we paid for one week. They have a café here which serves food all the time if you guys are hungry,” said Jon’s Mother. She was walking briskly towards them but Jonathan could see that she was just running on fumes. Exhaustion would soon take over.

“No I’m going to head upstairs. I’ll see you guys in the morning,” he said.

Jon walked upstairs and could feel his family staring after him. The last few months had been the worst and it seemed to be taking its toll on him. It was getting to the point where he wanted to say no more running and just fight but he knew it wasn’t possible. Unless he was united with his other shifters then they were no match against these people.


“Yeah I understand. No don’t kick them out you idiot, I’ll be right there.”

Scott hung up his fancy new iphone and threw on a shirt. He usually was a morning person but being woken up the night after his wedding day didn’t make him a happy camper.

“Where are you going?” mumbled Sarah.

Scott swooped down and gave his new wife a long kiss. She returned it with a blush that was slowly creeping up her cheeks. Even after all these years she got all giddy around him.

“We have some guests in town staying at one of our hotels. The clerk said they looked a bit odd and he got a weird vibe. He said it seemed like they were shifters but not wolves.”

Sarah’s eyes grew wide. “There are other kinds of shifters?”

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