Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to My pillow

 I posted a picture of Lilly on the right.

They drove to the apartment in silence. At first Lilly was doing it to try and avoid the family but now she was mesmerized by the slow dripping of the rain on the window. She loved the winter months where it never got cold enough to snow but it constantly rained. The noise eased all her worries and the smell of the water hitting asphalt was intoxicating.

"Here we are," announced Scott.

Lilly was snapped out of her thoughts by his loud voice. She looked over at the newly acquired apartment complex and was pretty impressed. This wasn't the first of his places she had been to but it was the first one that was completed. Normally she went to help him paint a few rooms or move furniture around.

"These places are fully furnished so you don't have to worry about that. The only thing you'll need is some food, clothes, and school supplies."

"We acquired money from odd jobs so that won't be a problem. We just need to find our way around town to acquire all these things," said Leon.

"Well school doesn't start for two weeks so you can take your time getting settled in. I'm sure I can find someone to show you around. Hmmm now who can that person be," said Scott, rubbing his chin and glancing at Lilly from the corner of his eye.

"No way, I only have two weeks left and I want to enjoy my break. Make Sara do it. No offense guys,” said Lilly, waving her hand in their general direction.

"None taken Lillian," said Tanya with a warm smile. She turned to Scott and continued to keep the same smile on her face. "It's not a problem. It'll do us some good to walk around and see the city."

"Nonsense you can't carry all of those grocery bags back to your house,” said Scott.

Scott looked at her with pleading eyes and gave her a pouty lip. Lilly almost caved in due to the puppy dog eyes but she folded her arms and continued to walk into the building.

"I'll be right back," said Scott, running after his niece. "I will let you use the car for the rest of your break."

"The car? Really? Wait, no way Uncle Scott. Why do you want me to help them so bad anyway?"

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