Chapter 15

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 Lilly tugged at the shirt, feeling somewhat self-conscious. They had been driving for a few minutes now and the shock had finally settled in. All she wanted to do was shower, lie down, and watch some mindless T.V.

“Don’t worry, my shirt is big enough, I can’t see anything,” said Jonathan.

“Well I know you just saw me butt naked but I still feel a little weird. Thanks again for everything Jon.”

He nodded and they continued their journey in complete silence. Lilly was shocked when she realized that they were at his house instead of hers.

“What are we doing here? It’s late and my parents will kill me if I don’t get home.”

“Tell them you’re staying at Abby’s. I know what it’s like to be forced to shift. Stay here tonight and we’ll talk about it in the morning. We can skip school and I’ll park your car in a different spot so my parents won’t know you’re here.”

As much as she wanted to run into the woods screaming and hiding from everyone she knew Jonathan was right. What she really needed was to feel the comfort and warmth of the guy who just saved her life.

“I have shorts and a tank top in my trunk. Let me grab them before we head up,” said Lilly.

Jonathan pulled into the parking garage and took the clothes out of the trunk. He turned around so Lilly could change into her clothes. When she stepped out he noticed that she was only wearing her shorts but still his shirt.

They walked upstairs and snuck into his room without making a noise. Lilly went to the furthest part of the bed and pushed her back against the wall. She was surprised when Jonathan laid down and pressed his back lightly against her. She let out a sigh and placed both her hands on his warm skin, finding comfort in his closeness. Being exhausted from all they had been through, sleep came quickly without any protest.


The next morning Lilly woke up and found that Jonathan and she were still in the same position. She let out a sigh and rubbed her hands up and down his back.

“Hungry?” he asked, letting out a chuckle.

“I’m starving. I feel like my stomach is trying to eat itself. Is that even possible?”

He hopped out of bed and held out a hand for her. Lilly accepted it with a shy look and pulled herself off the soft mattress.

“Do you want to shower while I see what we can eat for breakfast?” asked Jonathan.

“Yeah I feel really gross. I went from never being in a fight to killing someone and having blood caked in my hair.”

“I know,” he said, giving her a sympathetic look. “There’s a towel in there so take as long as you need.”

Lilly gave him a smile before heading into the bathroom. She pulled off her clothes and got into the hot shower, feeling all of her muscles immediately relaxed. She sat there letting all the dirt and blood slowly wash off her body. At first her mind was blank and the water felt good on her skin but eventually all the memories from last night came flooding back. She held herself up by placing her hand on the wall as her breathing became shallow.

Lilly reached out anxiously and slammed the metal handle so the water could turn off. She stumbled out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her body before collapsing on the floor. Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she lay on the bathroom rug.

“Lilly are you okay?” asked a muffled voice.                                                                                                       

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