Chapter 14

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  • Dedicado a My Fiance who is supportive of my writing addiction

Lilly had been deep in thought when Jonathan suddenly cleared his throat, making her jump a little.

“I don’t think you should go with me,” he announced.


“If I find this man I have to kill him. From what Abby told me you haven’t even been in an argument with another person. I don’t feel right letting you see me kill somebody.”

“Don’t be stupid Jon. A little death never bothered me plus you don’t know your way around the city. I’ve been there a few times so I can navigate us around.”

“Yeah maybe you’re right,” said Jonathan as he rubbed his eyes and let out a loud sigh.

She poked his arm and gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry this will be over quickly and we can go home in a few hours.”

“Let’s hope it’ll be that easy,” he whispered.

They entered the small city and parked in a nearby coffee shop. Lilly pulled out her phone and dialed the number that Shannon had called from.

“Hey we’re here. Do you know where he is?” asked Lilly.

“Yeah, there’s a problem though. We spotted two of them talking together at the Subway on Fifth and Thompson. They walked in about ten minutes ago so try to get there quickly.”

“Sure thanks Shannon.”

“One more thing Lilly, we will not be able to help you in anyway. If a pack gets involved with the rogue wolves then it could cause an all-out war. I’m sure your friend knows something about that.”

“I understand. If you ever talk to my Mom can you not tell her about this?” asked Lilly. Her mom would kill her for so many different reasons if this ever got back to her.

“Sure sweetie, good luck.”

They both hung up the phone as Lilly pulled out of the parking lot. She typed the address into her phone and headed towards the subway before the guys had a chance to leave. She chewed on the bottom of her lip nervously and saw out of the corner of her eye that Jonathan kept running a hand over his hair. They drove into a grocery parking lot across the street from the Subway and turned so they could see the two men. It took about five minutes for them to spot two vicious looking men hunched over while speaking to each other. They looked ruthless and were made of pure muscle. She had never seen wolves like this before.

“Damn Jonathan they’re huge,” she gasped.

“Yeah, they live to fight and make others fear them. The rogues have a leader but they don’t follow the typical pack rules. Anything they want they take even if it’s someone’s mate.”

She shuddered at the thought of being alone with those two but quickly regained her composure so Jonathan wouldn’t regret his decision in letting her come.

Halcyon Persuasion (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora