Chapter 3

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Just like I promised 3 chapters. I'm working on the fourth and it should be up later tonight or tomorrow. In case you guys don't believe that golden tigers exist I posted a picture of one to the right. Aren't they purdy?

The car pulled up to the house and Lilly practically jumped out before it even stopped. Her parents weren’t here yet so she wanted to get inside before they saw her. She jiggled the handle and sighed when it was locked. Lilly was used to having all the doors open in her little city. It seemed like the shelter of the woods provided some unsolicited protection.

Sara opened the door and was shocked to see her niece standing there.

“You know your parents will kill me if they find out you’re here,” said Sara

“Yes but I’ll tell them it’s all Mary’s fault. You’re my favorite Aunt anyway,” she cooed, giving a sweet smile.

“Nice try Lilly but I know you can see me in the reflection of the window,” said Mary with a smirk on her face.

“Oh shoot did you hear that? I love you both equally so I’ll put the blame on both of you.”

Lilly squeezed past her aunt and peeked her head around the corner of the hallway wall. She looked with awe at the strange people sitting on Scott and Sarah’s couch. The oldest male had long brown hair that was tied back and hung loosely over his shoulder. He was massive and towered over any wolf Lilly had ever seen. He was handsome for his age and looked to be a very cunning and intelligent man. The youngest ones were very cute. They were playing quietly with some stuffed animals that looked like they had belonged to Sarah. Both had golden hair and pale white skin. The boy’s was short and spiky while the girls was shoulder length.

Everyone seemed calm except for the boy who looked to be about Lilly’s age. He sat uncomfortably in the chair with his arms folded over his strong chest. Contrary to Lilly’s people, this guy was tall and lanky but still very toned. He had a short buzzed haircut that gave no indication to what the color was. The most peculiar thing about him was his deep golden eyes. All the other people had the golden eyes mixed with some color but his were just a creamy caramel that were mesmerizing.

“You can say hi, we don’t bite.”

Lilly jumped at the voice behind her and let out a low growl. She turned around to find a woman who looked like the other four that were in there. The oldest boy looked exactly like her except she had a soft smile on her face which replaced his scowl.

“Who the hell are you?” snapped Lilly. She was angry that this woman had snuck up behind her.

“My name is Tanya little one. We’re here visiting and to possibly ask the pack leaders some questions.”

“Good luck with that. My Dad is going to shit himself,” I mumbled.

“Well we’re used to that. If he does then we’ll leave,” she whispered.

Lilly looked up to see a pained look cross the lady’s face. She seemed to be fighting back tears and suddenly looked really tired. Lilly knew exactly how disappointment felt; especially after she went on dates with the over eager boys and came up empty handed. She instinctively reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Tanya’s arm. The lady gave her a grateful smile and walked into the room gesturing for Lilly to follow.

Halcyon Persuasion (complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang