Chapter 9

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Lilly had just picked up Abby who couldn't stop talking about how hot Jonathan was. She knew they had to pick him up too and kept asking her how her makeup looked.

"Fine," mumbled Lilly.

She didn't mind mornings but not when she was bombarded with a hundred questions. Normally the perceptive Abby knew when to stop talking but this time her off button was broken. Finally they got to Jonathan's place and he greeted them with a half-smile. They had to get to school a little bit earlier than normal so he could turn in his paperwork and take his placement exams. Scott had already talked to the school about him so everything was going to be set up once he got there.

"This is big," said Jonathan as he stared at the school with wide eyes. They had just pulled up and it was still pretty much empty.

"Yeah there are only two high schools in the city so they're both packed. They're building another one right now but it won't be ready for another year and a half."

"Do you want me to show you around?" asked Abby. She fluttered her eyes until it looked like her mascara was going to fly off.

"Uh sure if you want to. Lilly do you want to come?" asked Jonathan. It almost sounded like he was pleading but she couldn’t be sure.

"No I'll hang out in my car for a bit. You guys go have fun."

He shrugged and got out of the car. Abby gave Lilly a hug before bouncing off after her new crush. Abby had a new boyfriend or crush every week even though she swore off guys. She would start dating someone on Monday then break up with them on Sunday claiming that her heart was shattered. That was Abby's only flaw, the way she fell for guys.

The first bell rang and Lilly got out of her car with a sigh. The break had been great and she was already missing the comfort of her bed. She felt a hand go across her shoulder and quickly pulled back. Ryan gave her a hurt look before turning it into a sweet smile.

"Sorry about the other night. I swear nothing was going to happen while I had you out there. I'm not like that Lilly."

"Let's hope not. It's okay I talked to Jonathan and told him you wouldn't have done anything. To be honest you don’t seem like that kind of guy anyway.”

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