Chapter 7

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The rest of the winter break went by pretty quickly. Lilly kept busy with all the errands she ran with Tanya and spending time with her parents. Even Abby complained that she hadn’t gotten to see her friend that much. The only thing Lilly was truly grateful for was that Jonathan was avoiding her like the plague. Every time she came over he locked himself in his room. Even if they had to go somewhere he always found an excuse to stay home. The one time he was forced to be alone with her he only uttered a few words and didn’t bring up the Royalty topic.

Lilly didn’t want to talk about that anyway. She figured if Scott found out then he might reconsider his deal. She liked everyone in the family except for Jonathan who she really felt nothing for, not even hatred.

Lilly’s phone started to ring and it was Abby. She had felt bad for avoiding her so she answered and gave her a cheerful hello.

“Well hello to you too best friend.”

Lilly heard the emphasis on “best friend” and felt even guiltier.

“What’s up Abby?” she asked, keeping her voice cheerful.

“Well it’s Saturday and school starts on Monday. Your little friend Ryan is throwing one last party before we go back and I want you to go with me.”

“Okay I’ll go.”

“What? Did I just hear you correctly miss, I hate people,” said Abby.

“Yes, I’ve only seen you twice over break and I feel really bad. Plus, who else is going to carry you out when you decide to drink enough for five people.”

“Okay now here comes the even bigger favor, can you bring that friend of yours, Jonathan I think his name is?” asked Abby.

“Hell no. Now you’re really pushing your luck. You know we don’t get along plus he wouldn’t say yes anyway. I did something to piss him off and now he’s not even talking to me,” grumbled Lilly.

“Please, just ask. If he says no I won’t bug you anymore I promise!”

“Why do you care anyway? I thought you were on a mission to hate boys with me after you broke up with David.”

“No now I’m on mission get to know the hot guy,” said Abby, making her voice sound official.

“I’ll ask but don’t get your hopes up, he’s going to say no.”

“Okay thanks buddy! Can you pick me up?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you at eight.”

“Okay bye,” said Abby with a giggly voice.

Lilly slumped down in her tapped up computer chair. She didn’t want to tell her parents she had karate kicked her chair again. This would be the fourth one they had to replace in two months. Tape fixed everything anyway. She pulled her phone off the desk and decided it would be best to text him.

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