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AN: This chapter is dedicated to addictedrn for her support and encouragement, and also for being the first to vote and comment for RWTA! Thank you! -awkwardlyxx

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"Ultimately, your theme will find you. You don't have to go looking for it."

— Richard Russo

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{Chapter: 2}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

I scrunch my nose up and bury my face further into my pillow trying to avoid the light that's shining through my window. I sigh, letting my body relax back into the bed, but right before I drift back off a subtle 'thump' comes from below me.

I sit up in my bed rubbing my eyes, letting out a loud yawn in the process. I drop my hands in my lap and scrunch my face up when another 'thump' comes from downstairs. I shrug it off, assuming it's most likely Edith making some breakfast. At that thought my stomach suddenly growls, making it's hunger known.

I peel my limp body from the comfortable silk sheets, stretching my arms above my head and taking a glance at my body. I sigh when flashbacks of last night flicker through my head, also reminding me I'd never changed my clothes. I decide to change before I go downstairs just so Edith doesn't suspect anything, like she usually does.

Stripping out of my old clothes, I throw on some soft black sleeping short-shorts and a purple t-shirt, not bothering to brush my unruly dirty blonde hair and instead just throwing it up into a messy bun. I grab a pair of silky socks before I leave and plug in my phone before climbing down the creaky, wooden latter. My sock-clad feet patter softly towards the kitchen where I hear the soft sound of sizzling food, followed by the heavenly scent of bacon.

I rub my eyes once more as I enter the kitchen, slowly rubbing away the sleep. I drop my hands from my face and skid to a stop when I come face-to-face with a muscular back. A muscular mans back. A muscular mans bare back.  My eyes widen to the size of saucers as I stand frozen only five feet away from the stranger.

The man turns around, as if knowing I was there, and dark blue eyes lock with my chocolate brown ones. Neither one of us moves, we just stare at each other, the stranger with a slightly surprised look while I stare back at him in shock. The man easily towers over my 5ft4 frame, looking to be at least 6ft tall if not a few inches more. The only article of clothing on his body is sweatpants, his eight pack in full view. His entire body is made up of muscle, his face angular and model-like making me wonder, who in the world is this?

A few more seconds pass by and before he can make a move at me, I scream and run out of the kitchen like a bat out of hell. My shrill squawk is sure to wake Edith and I run for her room. Flinging open the wooden door I see Edith sitting up in bed with a panicked look on her face, her head swinging in my direction as I sprint to her side.

"Edith, someone - he's in - there's a man in the house! A very big man!"

"A man?" Edith asks, her brows furrowed.

"Yes! He's in the kitchen and - and, I-I think he's on steroids!"

Edith's expressions switches from panicked to confused to understanding and then...guilty? I furrow my eyebrows when she doesn't jump out of bed with a shotgun to get rid of the stranger, instead she simply rubs the back of her neck nervously, looking a bit ashamed. I hear the creaking of the floor as someone's weight presses down against it, footsteps echoing from the hall and I don't know whether to panic again, grab a lamp and throw it at him or hide behind my seemingly relaxed sister.

I n d o м ι т a в l eTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon