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"Did you know that 'I told you so' has a brother,Jacob?" she asked cutting me off. "His name is 'Shut the hell up'."

― Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

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{Chapter: 16}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

Cara's closet was like shopping at a four story mall--with a basement.

Different colors and fabrics lined every inch of the four walls surrounding her walk in closet, one wall made specially for her endless amount of shoes that ranged in colors from black all the way down the rainbow.

I soon learned that she someday wanted to be a fashion designer and had a huge infatuation with shopping. I've never been a huge fan of walking around for hours looking for clothes and spending lots of money, but I do enjoy a couple hours every now and again but this girl looks like she's been shopping from day one.

Her joy is infectious though, and I find myself laughing at the corny jokes she throws at me from out of nowhere. The light atmosphere makes everything bright in the room glow even brighter, if possible.

I run my fingers over the leopard pattern coat thrown over a random chair in her closet--you know, that one chair that has just a bunch of random clothes and shoes pilled over it stuck somewhere in the corner of your room--, the fabric soft and plush beneath my fingers while Cara shuffles through a bright pink chest shoved in the right corner of the room, looking to be filled to the rim with scarfs, belts, hats and other random doodads.

"Gosh darnet, stupid piece of--" Her sentence is cut off by the slamming of the chest. Items still spill out over the edge. She doesn't bother to try and lock it.

"What is it?" I ask, turning away from the endless clothes hung on the wall to see what she's looking for.

"Nothing, I just can't find my scarf." She pouts.

I look around the room. Scattered pieces of clothing everywhere, random shoes sticking out from underneath the clothing and think, I wonder why. I glance back at her and she's already moved onto a different task, ruffling through the innumerable amount of dresses she has.

"What's your favorite color? I think you'd look good in dark colors. Maybe red, or black...no, not black. How about purple? Do you like purple?"

I shrug. "Whatever is fine." I say nonchalantly. My eyes roam over the large sections of clothing as Cara taps a thoughtful finger to her chin. Catching my gaze, she grins--a grin she seems to always be wearing.

"Feel free to look at whatever you want, what's mine is yours." Cara exclaims, motioning me towards a clothes rack in the center of her closet. In total I think there is four racks of clothing; three on the walls and one exactly in the middle with wheels on it so its easy to maneuver around.

It looks like an actual store in here, minus the amount of space a real store would have. The room is nicely sized but still looks like an average walk in closet. There's also a full length mirror in the center of the shoe rack so you can look at yourself as well.

I almost laugh at how messy but organized the room looks. Strange, but somehow it makes since. I start looking through the dress section of the rack, pulling out a black dress with leopard print lining. I have a feeling only Cara could pull something like this off.

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