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"Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike."

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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{Chapter: 31}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

The first thought that fleeted into my head was, how did he get here so quickly?

It seems like so little time has gone past sense the kidnapping and he's already back for more. But this time, my mind feels like he's done playing cat and mouse.

Sam's sneering face is plastered on the walls of my mind, and if I concentrate hard enough, I can almost feel the hatred and malice behind his expression. I shiver just at the thought of it.

"Nicholai, I can't stay." I exclaim, trying to influence his already made up decision.

My body, while still exhausted and begging for rest, is too piped up with adrenaline to stay still long enough to even ponder the idea of sleep. That, and my mind wont rest knowing Nicholai is going up against a crazed lunatic who held me captive not even thirty-eight hours ago and a witch who's Sam's top ally.

I know he has a pack to help, but that isn't enough to reside my nerves.

"Yes, you can." He's glaring by now.

I glare back, unaffected with his attitude.

Rationally, I know I don't stand a chance fighting beside Nicholai. I'm no werewolf and have zero experience as far as fighting goes.

I took martial arts classes when I was seven and I'm ninety-nine percent positive those will do me no good at this point, given I've forgotten mostly everything and the furthest I can lift my my leg as about hip level.

But my brain persists in finding some way to help, even if its behind the scenes. Anything will do, as long as I'm not sitting on my butt, completely unaware of whats happening outside.

"There has to be something I can do. I don't have to fight, but just let me help some other way." I beg him, pleading him with my puppy brown eyes.

Nicholai gives a detectable sigh of irritation, stress lines appearing at the corner of his eyes. I stare at him vigorously and can easily see the uneasiness behind his stern expression - or maybe that's the mate bond kicking in.

"Aspen, it's too dangerous. Having you out there will only be a distraction. I can't protect you." He explains, looking almost pleading himself. "Just stay here where its safe."

"But it isn't safe." I yell. "Don't you get it? Athena is easily capable of coming in here and snatching me while your out there, heroically battling the demon-possessed werewolf who, even if you successfully take down, isn't the only enemy you have to look out for."

Nicholai looks confused, his brows scrunched up while Johnny begins fidgeting in the door frame.

"Athena?" Nicholai asks.

"The witch." I explain.

Nicholai's eyes harden and clenches his jaw.

"She works for Sam. I think he has some dirt on her or something because she does whatever he asks." I describe.

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