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"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable."

― Jess C. Scott

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{Chapter: 30}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

Everything falls silent when I step into the room. I note the way Julius seems to be holding Edith back from attacking our father with her cat claws and the angry red shad adorning my fathers cheeks. Nicholai leans tensely against the wall closest to me looking more than a little uncomfortable with the family squabble happening right in front of him.

Edith's mad expression melts away when she sees me, although the stress lines at the corner of her eyes don't disappear. Julius gently releases her and allows her to walk over and give me a hug.

"I'm so glad your safe." She say's, giving me gentle squeeze.

I smile at her when she pulls away, nodding my head. I give Julius a cheeky smile and he grins largely back at me, clutching Edith back to his hip.

I hesitate before meeting my fathers eyes, his expression masked into impassivity.

"Hey, dad." I say awkwardly.

"You had us all worried sick."

My body reacts indifferently toward the familiar gruffness in his voice, his tone not indicating whether or not I should be wary of his current mood.

I can feel slight irritation build up inside me, the accusation in his voice sparking a small flame.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose." I try to keep my voice lighthearted to mask my annoyance.

"Still, you should have let me drive you back." He reprimands.

"I didn't figure the offer was on the table after our discussion." I reply coolly.

I can see the tension in his muscles as he crosses his arms over his designer baby blue button-up shirt, his gray slacks strained slightly at the waistline with the couple extra pounds he's gained over the last few years.

I avert my gaze from his piercing brown eyes and instead look over at Nicholai who gives me the silent que to come closer. I maneuver to his side, clutching the fabric of his shirt behind his back, as to not draw attention to the small act from our peers.

The comforting warmth of his body wafts through the thin material of my shirt and I succumb to the heat.

"Fredrick." Edith hisses, hearing something my father murmured under his breath.

Nicholai tenses slightly. I whip my head around in my fathers direction.

"What?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, uncrossing his arms and placing his fists inside his slack pockets.

"No, tell me." I say sassily, my muscles tightening in irritation.

He gives me an irked look.

"If you didn't want Aspen coming here than why did you send her in the first place?" Edith explodes, her anger beginning to bubble over.

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