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(2) "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

― Coco Chanel

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{Chapter: 21}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

The rogues were as languid and repelling as I remembered.

Their bodies were covered in dried and crusting blood, matted fur and froth dripping from their bared mouths. Although they looked unhealthy, the three rogues pinned to the ground were actually thicker and more muscular than the ones that attacked me at the house.

They look more well-fed but no less disgusting, their eyes crazed and flickering around in every direction, snapping their jaws menacingly every time one of the pack members begins closing in on them.

At least six pack members, not including Nicholai and I, surround the intruders, one holding a gangly gray wolf in his mouth while another holds onto a much smaller, darker gray wolf while three other pack members hang onto what looks to be the strongest out of the three bony wolves. The large brown wolf thrashes and struggles in their grip but fails to be released, only managing to anger the beast more.

I carefully slide off of Nicholai's back, reaching out with my hand to rest it against his firm body to steady myself. Lone twigs poke my bare feet making me wince. I make a mental note to send Nicholai to go and get my shoes once all of this is over.

The single wolf that isn't busy keeping the rogues at bay elegantly saunters over in front of Nicholai, its eyes fogging over as they both began to convert through mind-link.

My eyes look away from the silent conversation to the struggling of the rogues a few feet away. A shiver runs down my spine at the sight. None of them are paying me any attention, but just the sight of them and flashbacks from the attack makes me extra weary.

I fidget uncomfortably as one of the rogues eyes latches onto my anxious figure and I shift closer to Nicholai, his fur brushing up against my making my hair stand on end. The wolf bares it's teeth and I gulp.

The pack member holding the rogues scruff in his mouth tightens his grip, noticing the violent looks the rogue is sending me making it yelp and look away from me, now concentrated on continuing to fight against its restraints, snarling and snapping it's large jaws.

Two of the rogues continuously grapple and brawl against the wolves holding them but one of them, the smallest of the bunch, lays limp against it's holder. It's eyes, instead of crazed and vicious, are wide and frightened, blinking continuously and trying its very least to be set free.

It lies perfectly still beneath the white wolf who's jaws are wrapped firmly around its throat in a threatening hold, daring the small wolf to make one move before it snaps its thin neck.

I let out a ragged breath, my heart hammering against my chest. My eyes flicker between the three rogues before looking back towards Nicholai who's wolfy features are pulled back angrily.

His lips are pealed back in a silent snarl as he continues talking through the mental communication link to the blonde wolf ahead of him, it's head slightly bowed and tale tucked between it's legs.

As the foggy color reduces from their eyes, indicating the end of their conversation I can see the nervousness floating in the strange wolfs gold irises and if I wasn't so edgy in this situation I would feel bad for whatever Nicholai must have been saying.

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