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"I'm oxygen and he's dying to breathe."

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

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{Chapter: 20}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

The familiar atmosphere of the forest makes a pleasant feeling swell in the pit of my stomach, several small animals ducking into the thick shrubbery along the trees as my feet crunch against the dry earth, twigs and leaves snapping beneath my weight.

I duck fluently under a low hanging branch, tugging at the neck of my red t-shirt as the humidity continues to beat down on my body. The shade under the trees helps escape the hot weather but the oppressive air still manages to make me sweat like a machine.

But the stuffy air is better than being stuck inside, cemented in my thoughts. I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, tossing and turning, my dreams plagued with more nightmares. The first bad dreams I've had in several weeks.

I laid around in bed for two hours before I'd decided to go for a walk and get out of the house. The ache in my chest that has been present for four days now has yet to ease up and I'm thankful for the fresh air, my heart feeling less heavy against my rib cage the deeper I tread through the thick trees.

I step onto a familiar path, recapturing the events and closing my eyes as the wind blows gently to caress my skin.

The dirt path is covered in scattered leaves and acorns, the shrubs slightly thicker while the trees cast a heavy shadow against the ground, but the image of me laying on the ground and staring dumbstruck up at Nicholai's giant wolf figure is still planted firmly in my skull, no matter the scenery's slight fraction of a difference.

My hand tingles as the image of Nicholai's giant paw against my wrist flickers through my thoughts and I scratch it at the remembrance.

My combat boots kick gently at the dirt and my eyes flicker towards a long skid mark in the earth a couple feet away. I curiously make my way towards it, examining the long cut in the ground.

My body isn't heavy enough to leave that big of a mark for that long of time, I note. It must have been Nicholai. His massive paws could easily leave in indention that large and even after a couple weeks it's still there.

I stare impassively for a few more seconds before turning my gaze towards the direction of the small clearing, beginning to walk towards it. The sound of rushing water gets louder the closer I get and when I finally step out into the open space I can see the clear water a few feet ahead.

The gully still looks the same as the several other times I've seen it, maybe only slightly more full of water from when it rained. The stones at the bottom still twinkle as the glare of the sun casts down on the halcyon water, reflecting off the flat rocks and small currents.

I slip off my brown boots and fold my socks inside of the shoes, sitting down on the creak bank and slowly dipping my toes into the luke-warm water. I wiggle them, feeling the water rushing between my toes and the sun glinting off my small silver toe ring.

I lean my upper body against my hands, my palms flat against the ground behind me and I arch my neck back towards the sky, closing my eyes as a tranquil feeling enters my senses.

The sound of softly running water and birds chirping, along with the wind blowing my ponytail around makes me want to fall asleep its so peaceful.

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