Chapter 2- Twisted Cat & Mouse Game

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You used to be thirsty for me

But now you wanna be set free
This is the web, the web that you weave
So baby now rest in peace

Iggy Azalea Ft. Rita Ora- Black Widow


I regained consciousness as soon as sunlight pooled into my closed eyes. Opening eyes brought dancing dots and a wave of nausea. It didn't bother me as much as it should have and I shook it off in a matter of seconds.

The pounding in my head got louder as I noticed the glass that surrounded my feet where I had just laid. My feet were completely bare but the glass was a fair distance away from them, leaving my feet to rest safely on the cold tiles.

I avoided the glass and walked through the house until I reached the room we were to get ready for school in. Instead of rushing to the shower like I usually did, I took a seat on the bed and stared out into space, my headache putting me into a daze.

A swirl of colours entered my eyes until I realized my sister had shoved the multi-colored hairbrush we used for school in my face. I blinked twice and adjusted my sight to see the brush clearly before shifting over and giving a soft smile to my sister. She had already gotten ready.

Elementary school was her happy place. Where he couldn't get us or hurt her. Seven hours of peace and happiness.

My happy place wasn't anywhere near that horrid high school. In fact, it was a place where classmates verbally attacked me, 'friends' turned on me, and people laughed at me. All because I was the only straight A student in the entire grade. And maybe because I tended to be the quiet social outcast eating her lunch in the library.

We got good grades, he left us alone. We came with anything less then an A and he punished us severely.

My sister didn't have a knack for schoolwork even though she enjoyed school. She struggled on these kind of things, which resulted in beating and punishments from HIM. Plus, HE didn't bother to give us anytime to do homework or buy us materials for studying. Instead, I stole some money from his wallet and bought materials for her along with waking her up earlier then usual to do homework and study with her.

I watched her disappear out of the room, instantly darkening the mood. Her mere presence changed the atmosphere of the room into a bright, lively place. Even if you just woke up from having a bottle of vodka smashed on your head.

Luna Ryder.

My sister matched that name immensely, even though she insisted she hated it. I personally loved it, wished my name was that original even though Luna argued mine was a perfectly lovable name.

I brought my hand up to my hair taking the brush with me and gently combed it through, swallowing a wince every few seconds. I definitely didn't have a concussion this time even though the impact of the bottle and the ground should have done it. It wasn't unusual for me to have one. I had one on several occasions already, but am known to have a thick skull. It was a family trait.


I swallowed and then started to brush my hair harder, letting the knots grow looser and looser. The pain wasn't too much to bear with or without a head injury. But pain was something I was used to. I could hold it in and easily look like I wasn't feeling anything. The only evidence was-

I suddenly brought the brush down and looked down, blinking as I saw what I expected to see.


I hesitantly touched my hair to see it was coated with blood. I muttered a curse under my breath and then held in a groan as I made my way into the nearest bathroom.

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