Chapter 11- You Made A Really Deep Cut

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It was my season for battle wounds, battle scars
Body bumped, bruised
Stabbed in the back; brimstone, fire jumping through
Still, all my life, I got money and power
And you gotta live with the bad blood now  

Taylor Swift Ft. Kendrick Lamar- Bad Blood (Remix)


The stupid agent who just had to get in the way of my freedom kept waking up as I drove a stolen car back to base. The amount of times he had yelled in fright had my impassive expression twitching dangerously.

I ended up stabbing him with the same sedative I had been injected with all those nights ago. He didn't stand a chance against the sedative within ten seconds of it being entered in his body. I thought these agents were supposed to be trained.

What really agitated me was the fact that my one year trainer, the one who taught me how to fight to perfection, had been trying to earn my trust so she could kidnap me. And it hurt to know someone I learned to trust was working for the evil, faceless TrianOut who were looking to put me and Aiden under the same program that all those other former agents had been put through to be brainwashed. At least, that's what I got out of it.

What made it even worse was that she was the director of TrianOut. The chances of my trainer being the TrianOut director was as small as a particle. It was set-up. They wanted me before 553 picked me up, or 553 was lying about why they recruited me. And why the Director of TrianOut did the honors of cooling things down before kidnapping me herself was a mystery.

Once I reached the agency building, or The Library of Navy Pier the clock had struck 1 AM and the streets and area was deserted enough for me to carelessly park near the steps and throw the keys outside as I locked the car. The drooling agent inside the car wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

I pushed my way inside the base and sent the passing agents full-level glares as they shoved passed each other and struggled to get to their destinations. I swiped my badge and threw myself into the room elevator asking for my full name and rank to complete a body scan.

"Amber Zoey Ryder. Undetermined. Charging officer, Aiden Jake Thompson," I muttered loudly. Taking a deep breath, I sent a glare at the camera in the top right corner before regaining a non-responsive expression and stepping out as soon as the doors opened. The plan I had in place was going perfectly fine until I found out that 553 pretty much lied to me. I knew the story told about my recruitment was a lie.

The HQ opening room was as busy as always, with agents of all departments rushing around from and to missions, labs and carrying objects. I stalked to the designated mission room once a passing agent told me where the mission commanders were situated. I slipped in and out of the blind spots of the surveillance cameras as I approached the room where I could already hear loud shouts from the sound-proofed walls. 

I took a collective breath and gathered my thoughts just as I flounced into the room. Everyone's eyes were on me and all conversation ceased like I was some sort of target about to shoot them down as I entered the equivalent of a conference room. It was much bigger and was, of course, black, and had a wide space at the back where the techies were working.

I stopped in the doorway, my hands by my side and my legs spread apart to secure an intimidating stance. My expression was blank, but my eyes searched the room with a hot red glare that made the other agents flustered.

Zack and Aiden both stood red faced and panicked as they kept their eyes secured on each other. So much for Aiden following me with two other agents. It seemed like my plan had completely been abandoned.

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