Chapter 13- Yes I Call The Shots

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I am no longer trying to survive
I believe that life is a prize
But to live doesn't mean you're alive
Don't worry 'bout me and who I fire
I get what I desire, it's my empire
And yes I call the shots, I am the umpire  

Nicki Minaj Ft. Drake- Moment 4 Life


I switched my hair to the side as I examined it in the small mirror.  

It was no longer all jet black, dark enough to make my pale skin turn me into a vampire on sight. It now had dark purple highlights that were difficulty placed into my hair. It was permanent and brought out my uniqueness while still giving me a strong look. Perfect for an agent.

The mirror was slightly tilted so I could see the top of my head where the purple disappeared into the roots of my hair like it was grown.  If you told me I'd be admiring my hair two months ago, I'd slap you in the face and escort you to the hospital myself after a bunch of hits.

"How does it look?" I asked Aiden who had crept up behind me humming AC/DC's Highway to Hell. I looked up and snapped the compact shut, smiling slightly as I rolled the chair around to face him. 

He popped a slightly green bubble and chomped loudly while I glared at him in discomfort. Manners were beneath him. He shrugged automatically once his eyes wandered to my hair. "It's nice, I suppose."

Aiden jumped into the chair beside me and rolled around a bit while I sorted through the mess of files on the table in front of us. We had no information on Hoffman's whereabouts or where she was. Our mission was to take her out because "anything in her hands is not good news for the rest of the world" apparently.

I handed Aiden a few files and tossed through some before logging onto the computer lazily, watching the desktop load. After a few minutes, Aiden spoke up. "Okay, I have a list of known acquaintances or whatever. They probably work for her or with her. She probably isn't a solo contractor."

I nodded absentmindedly, an idea blooming through my head as I clicked. "Read the names."

"Helena Huisman. Lien Boon. Aline Smits. Claire Janssen. Marien van der Meer. Wow that's quite a mouthful." Aiden chuckled, continuing slowly. "Three males. Nick Visser. Jasper Blank and Felix Chugainov. They're all Dutch, except for that last one. He's the most frequent. The last one's-"

"Russian. 28. Loves Oreos and had a terrible grade average. Was a school dropout. Has a Star-Bolt motorcycle and a German Sheppard as a pet. He's had six relationships over the past eight months. He also has an obsession with Flat Stanley and has an addiction to social media including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram," I said, scrolling down Felix's Facebook page as Renata Jiganov. I spared a glance at Aiden who had now gotten up to peek at what I was doing. "I created a fake Facebook profile and sent him a friend request. He must be really stupid because he accepted it three seconds after I told him I was Russian through convos."

I smirked as I signed up on Instagram with the same fake information and followed him. A new notification alerted me to the fact that he'd followed me too. I laughed and spared a few minutes to Photoshop some photos and put them on Instagram. 

Aiden had already gotten a laptop and was surfing Facebook with the same account I had logged on with. He looked up after a few moments of me surfing Felix's pictures of his motorcycles and I shifted my gaze on the screen to him where he was watching me intently, searching me for something. I waved a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his daze. "Yeah, sorry. He lives in London. Most of his Facebook friends do. He hasn't put his location, so he's partly smart. Or part of a group that's smart enough to give out death threats."

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