Chapter 20- No One Heard Our Cries

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We high-jacked a tour bus.

My mind was once again clouded, but the thoughts of Luna were pushed out of my head as I tried to decided what profanities would work best with this particular situation. Civilians tried to see through the highly tinted windows for a view of the celebrities that weren't even in the van at the time.

Aiden stood beside me as I watched the outside world interact without a hint of what was happening at the moment. Without warning I turned toward Aiden and he took a step back from our close proximity. "It's done, Aiden. TrianOut's going to get their way on this. I know it."

His passive face wasn't see through unfortunately, and that only happened when he was debating with himself. I couldn't get a feel about what he was thinking or know what his response to my statement was. Surprisingly, he turned and walked up to the front of the bus without giving an answer, getting in conversation with Gene Perkins.

I sighed, rubbing the palm of my hand on the back of my neck. I knew Aiden's expressions like he knew mine. Like how to shoot a gun. We knew the triggers to each other's emotions and how to pull them for our own use. But we also knew what the end results were by clearing away the debris left behind our trail of emotions.

I turned back toward the window, noting the few shops that alerted to me to how close we actually were to the school.

Tyrone's threat could have been done anytime. She could have even shown up personally. But an explosion means either a bomb or a grenade. I doubt a grenade could be used to blow up a school especially since it would attract more attention then a regular explosion. But she also would have gone early because as soon as the information came our way it was obvious that she was going to try to get there before us. She probably shot at our jet because we were getting ahead of her.

The bus stopped, leading with people jumping out before it even parked. I stepped outside along with Aiden who had returned to my side. We stopped a block away from the school which means that Zack decided to take evacuation protocols into affect.

I wanted to sigh but there was no time. Civilians were being pushed off the streets and told to hide in their homes or to ride their car the other way. We legally had the right to say we were FBI but identified ourself as special unit forces today. Whatever that meant.

I stood there as Aiden jogged toward the fence nearby, trying to get a good view of the school and shouting something unrecognizable to me. Half the agents moved with him, jogging toward the school along with him as half stayed for the evac.

Rebecca stood behind me. I knew it was her because her plaguing scent of flowers made me die a little inside. I wasn't one for flowers or even chocolates, though I did eat a few pieces when I was stressed or confused. I guess she was there to make sure that I didn't try and go out into the field. I wouldn't try. Until I needed to.

And Rebecca seemed to sense that, because she stepped in line with me. It was silent encouragement, in a way, to stay where I was knowing that I wasn't the only one being kept out of action. I felt her light eyes land on me, a calculating stare burning the fabric and getting under my skin. Rebecca sure knew how to make someone seem uncomfortable.

I turned my head slightly to meet her stare with my own. Her eyes held nothing but a deep emptiness that evacuated her different mix of emotions as soon as she wanted to. I wondered what Rebecca did that took her off the field and put her on babysitting duty.

Before I got the chance to answer, she interrupted with raised eyebrows. "Aiden trusts me," she said simply.

I waited for her to continue on with whatever but she didn't, instead looking like she expected a response from me. I sighed, rolling my eyes and dropped into a crouch on the ground, observing the scene in front of me without a word. She crouched alongside me, brushing her hair out of her eyes and then sitting flat on the ground. I watched her with my head craned, a heavy sigh building up in my throat.

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