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It's a mystery how life works...as if there were rules to follow. Its like a game with a cheat code that only  some people are wise enough to realize that it will leave you closer to "Game Over". Then what? As if there was a restart button.This world only gives you one chance but every where you turn there are always people trying to hold you back.There are always people in the way. People judging you with just a look that'll throw you 6 feet under,starring as if I had no lips, thoughts about me swerving in there minds as if I was the floor they walk on and the seat they sit in but in all reality ...You didn't even say Hi..You just looked at my cover judging without even knowing my story.

It started when I was 6. When the innocence of my being just knew of reaching the goal of licking all the cream off my oreo. I didn't know what "bad" was. The baddest thing I have ever done at that time was tell Dora I didn't want to answer her questions. I was in my room. Sitting on my pink cushioned bed reading "Matilda". I was very advanced. I keep getting destracted cause every little crack or creek I heard would startled me. Forcing me to think it would happen again, and that I would have no one to run to. I heard footsteps crawling towards my door. The smell of disgust and desperation lingered like the foul emotion of jealousy. So I looked out my window, while letting the pages of my book flitter back to the first. Trying to imagine myself in another world. Where I was safe from harm. Where the world became innocent and the minds of the lost became found. Then I was rudely interrupted.

I heard the sound of my crusted golden door knob turning. He stepped in and stood there, I didn't dare to look at him. Atleast not yet...

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