Part 21

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I crinkle my eyebrows. What the hell is that? I put down the clip board and crawl back to the front of the bed. About 5 minutes of Brainstorming trying to understand what Leukemia is my Doctor walks in.

"Hey sweetie" she says looking directly in my eyes.

"Hi..can I ask you something?" I say

"Sure , whats wrong?"

"Whats Leukemia?" I respond


"You checked the clip board..Didn't you?" she says looking down.

"Well, not really. I mean . Maybe . But there is a possibility...Well...Yes. I checked it."

She laughs.

"Well, now that you checked it, I can't really deny the question, So! Put it this way. You like bubbles right?"

"Haha, yes I do like bubbles" I say smiling

"Soo you see how usually to make a bubble you have to blow slowly through that little hole in the bubble wand and usually one or two come out?" she says


"Now we all have those moments when we blow even harder so even more bubbles come out in most cases right?" she says.

"Hahaa Yes!!" I say back

"That's whats going on with you. In this case your little body is producing large amount of blood cells just like how you blow through a bubble wand and multiple bubbles pop out un-numbered "

"Ooh now I get it..But am I going to be okay? Cause you know..." I say whispering.. "Bubbles pop!"

"Sometimes you can never estimate how long a bubble is going to last, especially when it's just created, but...You see that moment when you blow a bubble and if you look at it from the right angle you can see that little rainbow on the side? That's you my little one. That's the beauty & sweetness put in a bubble. And as for you, your the beauty and sweetness that life offers." she says in a soft tone.

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