Part 18

22 3 2

"Where here" says the driver.

"Thank you" we say back.

We get out the car and run to the house trying to not get our hair wet. Two girl cops are standing in front of our door. " You two little cupcakes can go inside your new house mother will be arriving in no time and some new kids will be arriving soon as well. Be nice" they say.

"Okay thanks" I reply

Once we get in I quickly go to my room, grab my Pj's and get in the shower. As I'm shampooing I look at my hand and see a ball of hair. "OH MY GOSH" I yell! What the hell. I finish up in the shower and feel a little light headed. Then all of a sudden while drying up I hear Claire yell "VICTORIA GUESS WHO I FOUND!"

I put on my Pajamas from Victoria's Secret and walk out the bathroom.

"Claire what's all the commotion -

Oh my gosh. I freeze. I stop blinking. I stop breathing.

I look at Claire and she's over there cheesing her ass off.

I pull myself together and walk closer.

*Clears throat*

"Umm, hi.." I say.


"Hey beautiful" he responds.

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