Part 19

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"Wha- what are you umm, doing here?" I say

"I live here now." he responds.

I go and sit on my bed. "So, I'ma go clean up and -

"Yea sure you can come back!" I say

"Well if you want..

"Yeah, I do." He says as he smiles and walks out my room.

Once the door closes...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! What The Hell Is He Doing Here!?" I yell

"I know right I was just sitting on my bed and the cop escorted him to our room so we could meet him..." Claire says.

Wow I think to myself.

I yawn and stretch at the same time exposing my belly.

"Victoria...How did you get that scar?" Claire says worried.

"Well, when your were a baby I had surgery for an organ transplant" I say.

"Oh, but your all better now right?"

"Yeah, I guess so" I respond.

about 30 minutes later the  boy walks back in.

"Hey" he says

"Hi, come in" I say , surprisingly opening up.

I sit on the carpet and he sits on it too.

"So what was wrong with you in the hospital?" I ask

"I had a sharp pain in my chest, nothing serious" he says as Claire leaves the room.

"Oh and why'd you call me beautiful" I say looking down at the carpet.

He puts his hand on my chin and lifts my head up " Because you are"

He grabs my hand "You don't need to be shy" he says

I laugh." Well its hard not to"

He starts laughing. "So if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I say


"Well, my parents were killed in a house fire when I was really young, I was sent to a foster home, then I was kidnapped when I was 6 and the guy kept me in his basement because he told me I knew too much. He would come to me early in the morning and leave later on to "Take care of stuff". He use to always tell me about his daughter. I was scared. But I listened.Then they found me 3 years later and placed me in a new home, here. What's your story?" he said in a soft tone.

"My mom was hung at the top of my house while my father tried to kill my sister in a house fire. I was placed in a home, my father killed the foster mom and they basically placed me here because he has been after me ever since." I say.

He looks at me surprised and scared.

"Your apart of the Woods family" he says. Standing up quickley

"Victoria Wood?"

I get up immediately. "How Do You Know My Name!?"

"They told me when my parents died that they were in a house with the "Woods" family."

"The "Woods" family can be any other family, why do you think it's mine?"

"Because" he says. "It just so happens that your house was set on fire the day my parents died, and my mother was friends with the "Woods" family. My mom use to always say that she loved your mothers Flowers...

...They say that my parents were on the roof with your mother Grace and after she was hung that the fire was soo big that the roof collapsed and they fell in the house through the roof burning there bodies to death." he says.

"All because of one guy" he says in a low tone.

"For some reason I dont believe you." I say

"What Else Do You Want Be To Say Victoria!?"

"One more question." I say.

" Who Kiddnapped You? And Who Started The Fire?"

He closes his eyes and breathes out slowly. Opens them and walks closer to me.

Looks me in my eyes and says..


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