Part 9

31 3 2

"Can I see that note Ms. ?" says the cop

"Maybe it's best if I just keep it to myself.."  I say

"It's apart of the investigation, hand it over" he say's

"NO" I yell. He gets up and charges towards me and I immediatley rip it.

"Don't worry was nothing just some school work." I say

"Do you have any relatives that you can spend the night with?" he asks

"No they're all umm, dead" I say in a low tone. I begin to notice my stomach really hurts, I feel sick & my hand is trembling. I start to flinch and react strange to the wind racing through the leaves.

"Sit her back in the hospital truck and examine her for brain disorders." he wispers to a paramedic.

Two paramedics grab my arms really tight and walk me back to the hospital truck. She tells me to state all the letters in the alphabet. " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ..." I look back frightened as the car engine starts. The lady looks a me and writes down notes. "I'm going to hold up cards and you are going to state the color. Understand?" she says as If I'm dumb . "Yes" I say. 

She puts up card #1. "Pink"

#2. "Green".

#3. "Purple".

#4. "Orange

#5. "..Gr- Grey?"... I say. The lady writes down more notes. "No, hun it's Aqua blue." She looks at the other paramedic and points at her purse. "What color is this?" she says . "Grey" I say slowly.

"Your colorblind?" she says. "I don't know." I say. ..."Follow the light with your eyes" she says. Then she turns on a little baby flashlight and moves it left to right. I try to look at it but some how I feel my eyes wonder off and roll back. "Try again" she says. My eyes begin to roll all over the place. What the hell. "I'm sorry I can't focus." I say. As my stomah starts stabbing out all my emotions. 

"Are you hungry" she says. "Very but my stomach hurts" I say.

The guy sitting next to the driver comes to the back of the car through this cool door and hands her a clip board trying to keep his balance from the car moving at a fast pace."Thank you" she says then begins to read it. She looks at me, clears her throat , looks at the notes she's been writing and tells me

"So for now they are going to take you to a special center for little ones like you" she says in a scared tone. "Okaayyy...." I say weirded out. About 26 minutes later the car stops. And they take me into the hospital , into surgry to get the bullets out my body. About 3 hours later. Worn out and tired they bring me into this black car and drive me to the center for kids like me. Right now it's 9:27. What a day...

The car comes to a complete stop and they walk me to the front door.

"Orphan Psychiatric Placement Center" the door reads.

Time to start a whole new life. I think to myself. Ready or not the hardships of life is going to hit me hard in the ass, but I have to face it. I can't start living my life as if I'm scared..eventhough I am. I just have to try to convince myself that I'm strong and that everthing is possible.

Even the word " impossible " says Im possible. 

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