Part 8

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He just stares at me. 

"Vic- Victoria" He says

"Oh now you remember me don't you daddy" I say

"You were going to leave me there to DIE! Which shows you don't care" I say in a loud tone

"Victoria don't get loud with me young lady" he says.

"OH so now you decide to be a real father and tell me what to do? Shut up Mason. I'm tired of you. You never appreciated anything my mother and I did for you."


"NO SHUT UP! You don't get to speak. After all these years now is when you start to remember me? You fool. I would have gave up anything to see you. I lov-....I loved you. And thats how you repayed me by killing my mother?"

"Victoria I was-." 

"You Killed Her!" I scream

"Victoria" he says.

"NO, my turn to speak. I'm done . I'm tired of having this whole in my heart that'll never be replaced with the loving family that I HAD." I say


"I tracked you down, and I found you. My Plan all along was to kill you. Once you lade fingers on my Mother , It was my turn to do the same to you.I can't believe I called you DAD your a disgrace for a Father. You Don't Deserve To Be Called A Father . That Word Is A Word Of Loyalty ,Commitment, Love , Understanding . And All Of That Is What You Lack." I say.

I get up and run towards him to attack. He then pulls out a gun from his back pocket...and shoots me.

The bullet hit the upper right corner of my chest . I fall to my knees.

Then he shoots again, and it hits my stomach.

I lay down on the ground . My eyes frozen but open.




"You thought you was going to kill me? You can call me all the names in the book. But I know what I did was right. But honestly the trick was all on you Victoria. I'm not your father. I was just around in the beginning to help support your Real mother Grace. My sister. I killed Grace because She murdered our parents in a house fire when we were 7 years old. So I decided to do the same to her family . And see how she likes it even though I didn't get to see her reaction. So I made sure that I tracked you down because after all , you being dead completes the puzzle. It's all a game Vicky. It may seem like you were tracking me. But in all reality you were just unwinding a trap . Who gets the last laugh?" says Mason.

"ME" I grab the gun from his hands , get up & shoot at him . He lays there on the ground dead. "Yeah, your is all a game." I say.

I limp to the bathroom, take all my makeup off ,change my clothes, & limp the to phone and call 911. 

Acting time.

"911 What Is Your Emergency?"


" Get a wet towel and apply pressure to the area while the ambulance arrive & Is he breathing?"

"I DON'T KNOW" I say.

"Okay get out the house and go the the neighbors, we will track the address from the phone you called from"

"OKAY" I say and hang up.

I get a wet towel and limp out the house closing the door behind me. I walk over to the neighbors and knock.

"Oh my gosh sweety are you okay?"

"I have been shot , I called the police and they're on there way." I say

Mrs. Bean walks me in her house and sits me on her couch, holding the wet towel for me.

10 minutes later the police arrive and knock on the door. The paramedics carry me to the ambulance truck where they begin to assist my medical needs.

"Your strong muscle tissue prevented the bullets from going deeper into your system" the lady says proudly.

"Okay..great" I say...I see the cops walk into the house. Suprised. The cop quickly speaks into his radio speaker. "Back up we have a code 493 on the scene I repeate,code 493". What's going on? I think to myself. Then they all look back at me as if I did something wrong..well I did know..

"Can she walk?" asked one of the cops with his left eyebrow raised. 

"Do you think your sturdy enough to walk?" Ask one of the paramedics.

"Ye- yeah I think I could do it." I say.

I hop off the back of the truck and walk slowly. "What could they have possibly found out, did I leave evidence?" I say blinking fast trying not to look nervous. I was terribly failing. 

"Miss, where is you suspect?" says the cop.

"He's on the flo-..Oh my god..." I say.

A cop goes in and looks at the ground. "Did you shoot 3 bullets at him Ms. ?"

"Uh- umm yeah ..but it was in self defence." I say nevously

"Well..." says the cop.

"You missed..Theres 3 bullet holes in the floor." says the cop as if I were stupid.

Then he notices something next to the dinner table. It's a note. He passes it to me with his plastic gloves on. "Wait wait wait wait wait ...put a glove on."

One of the other cops passes me a glove and I take the note. It says...

"Yeah..This is all a game . From the first day you were born and I was holding your mothers hand because her boyfriend said he couldn't handle her any longer..But anyway, ever since that day I've been planning on how I was going to kill you. How I was going to take your extistence away. And now that I'm still alive. Still loose. Able to wander around. Watch you. 

It's my turn. You thought this was all over? You thought those 3 bullets took the breath out of my lungs. Wrong. Learn how to dot your i 's and cross you t 's. I'm still here, and I will find you. Some day, when you won't have the courage to face the curses and dares that life test's you with..I will Kill you.

Let The Games Begin"

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