Explaining And Pack Base.

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Chapter 23:

Myah's POV:

"What do you mean war?" I ask.

"Some packs are going to invade the village. And since we have the treaty to help your village we have to protect them. I have to leave with my pack and help them", Darius says.

"Where will you go?" I ask.

"Just to a base where will train up new werewolves and then when the time comes I'll have to help guard the village".

"How long will you be gone for?" I ask.

"Six to eight months maybe more". But in three months I'll have the baby. I can't look after a baby and a six year old on my own.

"Will we be coming with you?" I ask.

"Well you can but I want to bring you all somewhere safer".

"But I want to be with you", I say.

"I want to be with you too. But I can't ask you to leave here".

"I don't care, please let us come with you".

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't as long as you're with me". He leans in and kisses me.

"I won't let them hurt any of you", he says, giving my baby bump a kiss.

"When do we have to go?" I ask.

"Sometime next week".

"Okay, I'll start packing".

"No you'll hurt your back, I'll do it". I roll my eyes.

"Okay, I'll help Sylvester with his homework then", I say. He kisses me again.

"I love you".

"I love you too", I repeat. He goes into our bedroom and starts packing while I do Sylvester's homework with him. Darius comes in and starts packing Sylvester's stuff when Sylvester finishes.  

"Why are you packing Daddy, am I leaving?" Sylvester asks.

"We're all leaving just to a new place for a few months then we'll be back". Hopefully....

"Will I have to go to school there?" Sylvester asks.

"There's going to be a teacher there to teach you and the other pack children, your cousin Blake will be there too", Darius says.

"Why will Blake be there?" I ask.

"Well Brandon's pack and a few other packs are going to be helping us", Darius says. I nod. "Okay looks like we're packed and ready to go".

"That's good", I say, smiling.

Darius comes over to me. "Babe, are you sure you don't mind leaving?"

"I'm positive", I say. The baby starts kicking and I put my hand on my bump.

"Is she kicking?" Darius asks. I nod and he puts his hand on my bump too. We smile at each other.

"Can I feel too Mommy?" Sylvester asks.

"Of course baby", I say. Sylvester always thought it felt weird when the baby kicked but he still liked to rub my stomach. Sylvester rests both his hands on my belly and kisses it.

"I love you little sis", Sylvester says to my bump before giving it another kiss. He was definitely going to be the best big brother ever, he already is.

I was scared when I found out I was pregnant again because I thought Sylvester would feel we didn't care about him or that he would feel forgotten or left out. But he was over the moon when we told him. He wanted a little brother but when we found out it was a girl he was still happy. He was just thrilled to be having a sibling.

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