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  • Dedicated to To Everyone Who Reads This

This is chapter 11:

I wake up screaming and crying. Someone grabs my hand and tells me everything's okay. I wipe my eyes and see Adam holding my hand. I was in my bed with Darius on one side of the bed and Adam on the other. I calm down.

"I had a horrible dream Jared was there and he pushed me against a wall and I blacked out. Then I woke up in the hospital with stiches, and you told me the baby died. I was so scared", I say. Darius looks at Adam. "It wasn't a dream was it". I start crying.

"Don't cry! The part with Jared is true not the hospital part", Darius says.

"So the baby's not dead?" I ask.

"Of course not and you don't have stiches either", Adam says.

"Thank god". I cradle my stomach and rub it.

"After you blacked out, Dawn and Savannah went after Jared while I brought you here. I called a doctor and they checked you and the baby, and you are both fine and healthy", Darius says.

"So did they find Jared?" I ask.

"No the whole pack is gone after him but they'll find him soon", Adam says.

"What will they do when they find him", I say.

"Kill him", Darius says.

"What, why?" I ask.

"Because he tried to kill you twice and he killed those people", Adam says.

"How did you find out he killed those people", I ask.

"Dawn heard him tell you that he killed them", Darius says.

"Oh okay", I say. Darius strokes my cheek.

"I have to go Adam will look after you, okay?" Darius says.

"Why can't you stay too?" I ask.

"Because he's the second strongest and they'll need help", Adam says.

"Alright, be careful."

"I will, bye darling", Darius says and kisses my cheek. He leaves the room.

"Why don't you go?" I ask.

"Because I have to look after you and I'm the omega they don't need the weakest", Adam says.

"Will they find him?" I ask.

"Of course they will. Jared is one man and they have a whole pack after him. There's no way he can get out alive. You should rest, you hit your head pretty hard and your leg was deeply cut". He puts the covers over me. He's about to leave but I grab his hand and pull him back.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm just going to wait outside and let you sleep", he says.

"Can you stay here with me".

"Okay". I give him a hug. He clenches his fists.

"Are you alright?" He doesn't say anything he just relaxes and breaths in and out for a while then he unclenches his fists.

"I'm fine, sorry about that". He gets into bed beside me and holds me. I put my arms around his neck. "Night."

"Goodnight and thanks". I wake up to the baby kicking and with Adam beside me, staring at me. I rub my baby bump.

"Hey", he says, rubbing my bump too. He smiles as he feels him kick and I smile back.

"Morning, are they home yet".

"Nope, not yet. Do you know you kick in your sleep", he says chuckling.

"Yeah when I can't get comfortable I kick. Sorry I should've warned you", I say.

"Ah it's fine, how you feeling?" he asks.

"Good thanks you".

"Good. I'll get you some breakfast you must be starving", he says leaving the room. I get out of the bed and notice I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I have a quick shower and get dressed. I traced the long scar on my leg I got from Jared yesterday. That's my second scar I got from him. I walk into the kitchen and see Adam putting food on plates.

"Wait what are you doing out of the bed?" he asks.

"Coming out for breakfast."

"Oh I was going to give it to you in bed, well never mind", he says.

"Damn." He chuckles. We eat breakfast then sit on the couch together. After many hours of waiting for the pack to return they finally do. Chase comes in first. "Did you find him?"

"Yes, he's dead", Chase says. Darius comes in and I run up to him and give him a tight hug.

"We finally can go back to our normal lives now", Darius says.

"I wouldn't say going out with a werewolf is normal", I say. He laughs. We sit on the couch together. He pulls my jeans leg up and looks at my scar.

"Myah I'm so sorry", he says.

"It's not your fault", I say.

"Are you two okay?" he says.

"We're both great", I say.

"Good because if anything else happened you two I wouldn't be able to survive", he says.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask.

"No. I'm fine sweetheart", he says giving me a long kiss.

Hope you liked that chapter. I know you guys have been waiting for it. Did I get you there? Did you really think I'd get rid of the baby? Everything's fine it was just a dream and now Jared's finally gone. Yay! Sorry for scarying ye, It's just I like twists. By the way, I have a new story. Give it a go and read it, there's only one chapter so far. It's called "Pregnant By The School's Player". Anyways thanks for reading.

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