Telling The Pack.

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This is chapter 7:

Darius' POV:

2 months later.....

Myah and I had gone to the doctors two weeks ago. The smile on her face when she saw the baby was priceless. She's now 12 weeks pregnant. We're going to tell the pack today. It's not like we can keep it a secret any longer because she's starting to show. I'm a bit excited and very nervous. I don't know how the pack will react, she's only sixteen. I don't care what they think, all I care about is Myah and the baby. We're in the dining room, having dinner with everyone in the pack. When everyone is almost finished, I stand up.

"Am... I have something I want to say", I say. All eyes look at me. Shit I was so nervous. Myah squeezes my hand and it makes me feel better. I smile at her. "Myah and I are having...... a baby." There are a lot of gasps.

"What!" Dominic shouts, spitting out his drink. 

"Oh my god, can I be the godmother?" Dawn says and I chuckle.

"No way I knew her first, pick me", Savannah says. Myah chuckles too.

"I don't want anyone saying anything bad about Myah or Darius, it's not your business", Chase says. Everyone nod their heads except Chase, Myah and me. I sit back down.

"Thanks", Myah says. Chase smiles at us. When we're finished dinner Myah and I go out to the patio outside.

"Everyone knows now", Myah says.

"Except your family", I say.

"I don't want them to know", she says.

"Okay", I say. "You're so different from when we first met. You were so scared then well you had the right to be", I say.

"I'm still scared it's just a different type of scared", she says looking at her tiny baby bump. I rest my hand on it. She looks at me and smiles.

"Don't be scared, everything's going to be alright", I say. She puts her head on my shoulder and looks at the stars overhead us.

"Myah can I see you a moment", someone says behind us. I turn my head quickly. It was Adam.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute", she says. I nod my head and they leave.

Myah's POV:

"What's up", I ask.

"I know it's very unlikely and I know Darius wouldn't do this but I need to know. Did Darius rape you?" Adam says in a serious tone. Was this a joke? Why would Darius rape me?

"Of course he didn't! Why would you think that!" I shout at him.

"I'm sorry, it's just you looked sad back there and I needed to know for sure. I know Darius wouldn't do that he's a great person but you don't know what goes on behind closed doors", he says.

"Well he didn't", I say. He doesn't say anything he just kicks a stone on the ground. "Sorry I shouldn't have answered like that, it's just these pregnancy hormones", I say sitting on a chair. He chuckles and sits beside me.

"How far along are you?" he asks.

"Twelve weeks", I say.

"Wow and you only bothered to tell us now", he says.

"Well if it wasn't for this baby bump I wouldn't have told you guys at all, not for a while anyway", I say.

"I thought I saw a little bump, can I?" he asks putting his hand near my stomach. I nod my head and he puts his hand on my belly. He gives me a smile and I smile back.

"I guess I'm going to have to get used to people doing that", I say and Adam chuckles.

"Are you and Darius okay, your still a thing right?"

"Yeah we're fine thank god. I couldn't have lived if he wasn't with me", I say starting to tear up.

"Aw don't cry, you would've had all us guys helping you out", he says rubbing my back. I stop crying when I see Darius in front of me.

"Are you okay babe?" Darius says.

"I'm fine, thanks", I say getting up. "I'm getting tired, I should go to bed. Thanks Adam", I say.

"No problem, night", he says and hugs me. Darius walks me to our room and tucks me into bed like a little girl. "Night darling", he says.

"Night, I love you", I say. He kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you too", he says. He turns the light off and leaves.

Sorry this one was really short. I'll try and make up for it in the next chapter. Bye! Should the baby be a boy or a girl? Leave a comment on what you think it should be.

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