Memorable Moments.

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Chapter 35:

Darius' POV:

"Let's show Mummy, kids!" I order with a big grin. We just bought Myah some flowers that the kids picked out because we want to show her how much we love her. I made her stay at the pack house because I didn't want to her to be alone in case she went into labour. She's thirty nine weeks and she can't get any bigger. She's the biggest I've ever seen her and I find it absolutely beautiful and adorable. Since they are twins, she's even bigger this time. The kids and I hope it will light a smile up on her face because she's been easily irritated for the past week. The hormones and backaches are getting on her nerves and it's no wonder she's more easily annoyed, we don't have to carry two babies so we'll never know what it's like.

"Will Mummy be happy?" Faye asks, looking up at me in my arms as we walk through the door.

"Of course she will, she's going to love this, especially since it's from you two." Sylvester has the flowers in his arms; Faye and he are going to present it to her together. "Shh, don't make any sounds, we don't want Mummy to hear and ruin the surprise." They nod their heads while smiling excitedly. I enter the living room with the kids hidden behind me, finding Myah resting on the couch while playing with the dog.

"Back, darling," I tell her, looking over here to make sure she's okay. The others are with her, Dominic's giving her a massage, Savannah's stroking her hand, Dawn's giving her baby bump a rub and the others are watching her cautiously. "Are you sure you don't want to go up to one of spare bedrooms?"

"I'm fine down here with you all, I can't sleep anyway, I've tried to take a nap so many times and it's not working," she sighs, stroking Lexi's ears who was sitting on her lap.

"We can go up to bed? I can wrap my arms around you while you try doze off," I offer.

"That sounds enticing but the kids need looking after," she declines.

"We can look after them, guys, we love babysitting," Chase suggests.

"No, you all have done enough for us, thank you. Speaking of which, where are those two little rascals?" Myah asks with worry.

"We're here! We bought you something, Mummy," Sylvester announces, running over to her with the flowers. Faye follows after him and I catch her. I lift her into my arms as she giggles.

"Aw, babies, I love them," Myah beams, "This is so thoughtful, I love you all. Thank you for them, guys." She gives Sylvester a big hug and kiss, and then does the same to Faye. She lets Lexi down and the others sitting around her make some room for the kids by going to another couch. The kids sit up on the couch beside her but I ask them to sit on another couch so Myah can rest.

"It's okay, Darius, let them give me some cuddles. I want to have some time with then before the babies come. I think they're going to come today," she confides.

"Is that a gut feeling or?" I ask to make sure.

"I got some little contractions a while ago so I say it could be the real thing," she explains.

"Myah! You're supposed to tell me these types of things when you first experience them! How long have you had them for? Maybe we should go to the hospital now," I worry frantically.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you, you worry. It's only the early stage so we don't need to go yet, my waters haven't broken. I've had them for about an hour; I've gotten two so far. We don't need to go for a while, I promise," she admits.

"Okay, if you're sure, tell me when you get the next one though, won't you?" I request.

"I will, now give me a big kiss. Thank you for these beautiful flowers! I love you!" I crash my lips onto hers in a passionate kiss and caress her cheek.

A Chosen Mate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ