Rory: Choices

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The second Austin walks up to my register, I know something is really wrong. His face is bruised, covered in bloody bandages, and he's pale and trembling, either from fear or pain I can't tell.

"What happened?" I ask, clocking out of my register. We're technically closed now, so Austin got here just in time. I've been wondering where he's been tonight.

"I don't know where to start," he says, and I can tell it hurts him to speak.

"Start with telling me who kicked your ass," I say.

"I got jumped. Our money got stolen," he says, wincing.

"By who?"

"Some guys I worked with today. They followed me to the motel," he says.

"Are you hurt bad?" I ask, looking him over. He's holding his side with one scraped hand.

"Broken rib. Bruises. I'll be fine," he says dismissively, "I'm mostly worried about Pixie."

"What's wrong with Pixie?"

"She's bad sick. Really bad. Strep Throat and a hundred four degree temperature. I took her to the hospital, and they gave her a shot of penicillin, but she's still really dehydrated," he says.

"Oh my God," I mumble, "Give me a second, and I'll get her some meds. Come with me."

"Thanks, Rory. I didn't know who else to go to," he says, and he gasps with pain when he takes a step.

"I can't believe you didn't get her to a hospital days ago!" I say, aggravated. "You waited until she had a hundred and four degree fever? That was fucking stupid! She could have permanent brain damage from a fever that high!"

"I did what I had to! I couldn't let them take her!" he says.

"Well they didn't, obviously," I say, "So you could have taken her days ago."

Austin stops walking and glares at me. "You think I've just been sitting around watching her get sicker and sicker not doing shit about it? You think I'd let her DIE? You don't know me, Rory! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!"


"Because the only reason they didn't turn us in is because I worked something out with this doctor!"

"Worked out what?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter!" he says, and his voice has changed. Instead of being defensive and angry he sounds almost... afraid.

I look at him for a long time, and he shakes his head and looks away from me.

"You think this is so fucking easy, Rory! Like everybody's so honest and so ready to help us!" he says darkly. "Like everyone's just giving us free stuff and buying us hot chocolate because Pixie's adorable! People are NOTHING like that! THEY ALL WANT SOMETHING! THEY ALL JUST TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE 'TILL THERE'S NOTHIN' LEFT! EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PERSON!"

I stand there, shocked. Austin is on the verge of tears. I don't know what to do, what to say... I don't know what's wrong. Finally, he swallows and gathers his composure.

"You're the exception, Rory. Not the rule," he says softly.

I bite back the words I want to say and decide to just leave it at that. It's not worth arguing with him, and I can't begin to make sense of his reaction.

Using one of the Natural Way's reusable cloth bags, I put together a care package for Pixie with some Pedialyte and popsicles. I've had Strep before, so I know what'll make her feel better. Austin tries to take the bag from me, but I shake my head.

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