Austin: Caught

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The first person I plan to call is Nikki. It's Christmas after all, and ever since I finished her letter I've wanted to tell her that I took Pixie away like she wanted. I know now that she'll never try to get Pixie back and that she wants both of us to be far away from Ray. I still don't think I can ever forgive her for not protecting us, but I do want to let her know we're okay.

I call from the same payphone as last time. There aren't that many around these days so it's pretty much my only choice. I'm a little worried that Ray will recognize the number, but it's not something I can help.

Ray answers again. "Hello?"

"I need to talk to Nikki," I say in my deepest voice so he won't recognize me.

"Who is this?"

"A friend."

Ray laughs. The sound makes a chill run down my spine. "Austin, Austin, Austin."

My heart stops beating. I try to hang up the phone, but I am stuck in place. I can't move, can't think, can't breathe.

"Using the same payphone as last time. So smart. Dallas, huh? Didn't make it far did you?" he says.

My hand tightens around the payphone. "Let me talk to my mother," I say.

"Let me talk to my daughter."

"Fuck you!"

Ray laughs. "I might let you see your mommy if you bring my kid back."

"You will never see her again," I say coldly.

"Then I guess you won't ever see your mom again. Too bad."

"You killed her didn't you?" I ask.

"I'll tell you where she is when you come home."

"I'm never coming back," I say.

"You really wanna play this game, boy?"

I say nothing.

"It's okay, Austin. I know where you are now. I can trace this number and find out exactly what street you're on, what gas station parking lot you're calling from, and I will. Better watch your back, because if you don't bring her back here in one week, you're dead."

"You can't do anything to me," I say, but my voice is shaking.

"I have people there. I just need to say the word and you're already buried in a shallow grave. It won't be quick and it won't be pretty. By the time they're finished with you there won't be any DNA left to identify your body. Merry fucking Christmas, Austin. See you soon."

I hang up the phone, dazed. My insides are frozen. Only Pixie's voice brings me back after countless minutes.

"Austin? Let's go! We'll miss the movie!" she calls.

I force my numb legs to walk back to the van. I had planned to call Nancy and Riley too, but there's nothing in my head now except the echo of Ray's threat.


It's been three days since Christmas. Four days until I'm dead.

Freezing rain has fallen all afternoon, and I don't have enough gas to keep the engine on and the heat pumping all night. I wish I could stay with Rory, but now that Ray is hunting me I can't put her in danger. I checked in with her today with the iPad while Pixie and I ate dinner in a McDonald's. I managed to attach a picture of our smiling faces. I can only pray my eyes didn't give away the truth when she saw it. She can't know. She will underestimate Ray and end up dead too. I've got to lay low.

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