Prolouge: How I Got Here

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Hello. My name is Ansley. This book is my story.

It all started one day when I was going on an outing with my orphanage. The people who work there seem to think going out and getting some fresh air will keep us happy, but really it just makes us even more sad then we already are.

You see, all we really get to see on the outings are happy families. Children with parents. Soon-to-be parents with their bulging bellies and glowing faces. Everything we wished we could have.

On this particular day, we were walking by an alley when I felt a cold hand come over my mouth. I was in the back of the line that we were forced to walk in, so nobody even noticed that I was gone and everyone just kept on walking.

A deep, manly voice whispered in my ear, "Start walking. You're living with me now." I may not have been adopted before, but I knew this was not what it was supposed to be like. Plus, I had heard stories of young girls whom this had happened to, and those stories never had happy endings.

Nevertheless, I followed his directions because I assumed he had a gun or some other sort of weapon that he could pull on me and kill me with if I tried to run.

That was probably the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.

My name is Ansley. This is my story.

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