Chapter 15: Burning Hatred

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Collin's POV

Once I finally stopped crying after heaven knows how long, I looked up to see Ethan standing over me. I don't think I'd ever felt more hatred towards someone in my entire life. The presence of Satan himself would have been preferable to Ethan at that moment.

I slowly raised myself up until I was standing at my full height. It infuriated me even more that he was even the slightest bit taller than me. I wanted to look threatening to him, but he just saw me bawling my eyes out, and now he was standing two inches above my level.

"Well now, Pretty-Boy," he said mockingly, every word making me want to explode into a fiery ball of fury. "I guess it's just you and me again!"
It took all I had not to strangle him right then and there.

"Ethan, you've hurt me more than I can ever tell," I said in the most intimidating tone of voice I could muster. "And I've learned to just push it down and ignore it. But now, you've got too far. You've gone way too far."

"Oh? And what are you planning on doing about it? Crying some more?" He laughed in my face.

"If you want to kill me, you better do it now, because if not, I promise you. I promise you, you'll regret it. You'll regret ever taking me or anyone else from those orphanages," I said, murderous thoughts running through my head. From that moment, I knew the answer to my question. I could absolutely kill Ethan when it all came down to it.

"Well, you know, that was my plan. But now, you've intrigued me. You may go free. We'll see if you ever get the guts to actually get your 'revenge' on me," and with that, he turned around and walked back to his house.

I was so tempted to just attack him. But, I decided that revenge for such a gigantic wrong had to be at a time he would never expect. And it had to be better than a simple, unplanned attack.

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