Chapter 12: Night Time

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The whole day passed in a blur.


Sitting in the basement with Collin.


Sitting in the basement with Collin.


Sitting in the basement with Collin.

Pretending to go to bed.

Then, a few hours later, it was time. "Hey!" Collin whispered. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I said nervously. Collin stood up and turned on the lamp. I shakily stood up as well. I look at Collin to see if he was as scared as I was. He didn't show any signs of nervousness at all. His legs were sturdy, his hands weren't shaking, and his silver eyes were as bright as ever. How was he so calm?!?

"Don't be scared. We're gonna be ok," he said with a reassuring smile. He offered me his hand. I took it, and we started leading me up the stairway.

I winced at every creaking sound the stairs made. Why did every sound that no one pays any attention to in the daytime all of a sudden become a billion times more obvious at night?

We reached the door. Collin pulled the paper clip out of his back pocket, unfolded it so that it was just a long strand of metal, and stuck it into the small hole in the doorknob. He jiggled it around a little, and then smiled when he heard a small click.

EEEEEEEEEEEE! We both winced as the door screeched open. Did we wake up Ethan? Was he even asleep in the first place?

"Come on," Collin said as he pulled me towards the back door. Then, we both froze. There were footsteps coming down the hallway.

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