Chapter 3...

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I was going to wait to post the 3rd chapter until Sunday but reading the comments already I was like 'screw it!' You guys seem to be excited and already liking this story which means so much to me!! You all are incredible!! Hugs to all of you! But know now that the 4th chapter won't be up until Sunday or so! I have only 5 pre-written chapters so I need to start writing more, and finishing up A Year Agreement. So this is my little treat for you for today! I hope you all enjoy it

Song above Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I know I already used this is Something Inside but still felt like it was kind of close to the chapter. :)

The guy above is Diego Barrueco he plays Gage Harper. 

Happy Reading! <3 

I jerked awake at the sound of my cell phone ringing. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes I noticed I was still on the couch and the TV was still on. Groaning I reached for my phone knowing who was calling me.

"Yes?" I asked my voice thick with sleep.

"Hey Carterrr." Macey slurred on the other side of the phone.

"Macey you're drunk." I closed my eyes leaning back on the couch.

"No I'm not."

"Can you stand still for more then a second?" Over the phone I heard her mutter something before a grunting. Yep she is drunk and on our first day here. "I'll come pick you up. Where are you?" I asked throwing my fuzzy blanket off of me and standing up. As I made it to my room I noticed it was 2 o'clock in the morning.

"I don't know some huge ass house." She said but her voice was distant like she pulled her phone away from her mouth.

"Fine I'll find you. Just stay there Mace." She didn't reply so I just hung up. Sliding on a pair of flats and a thin jacket I grabbed my phone and keys before heading out the door. I was more awake now thankfully, I would have to be if I wanted to find Macey and deal with her being drunk. Not caring that I was still in my pjs and that I was half awake, I walked out the dorm building and headed in the direction where I think the frat houses are.

Before becoming here I studied the map they sent with the acceptance letter and made sure I knew the campus pretty well, or at least well enough to get to classes on time. The only place I really knew how to get to was the football stadium because I had to go last year for Ethan and Luke.

The moon was high in the sky as I tracked across campus. It was almost a full moon so it lit up the pathway for me which I was thankful. I knew I shouldn't be walking alone at 2 o'clock in the morning but if I didn't who knew what would happen to Macey. She tended to trust random people when she was drunk. We went to a party for graduation and she got bombed. She went up to random guy we didn't even know and clung to him like a bear. If it hadn't been for me he would have taken her upstairs and done god knows what.

"Macey you owe me for this." I muttered under my breath. Even though it was nearing the end of August I shivered in my jacket. Late at night it liked to get cold, even during the summer. Plus it didn't help I get cold easily. Sighing I kept walking glancing around to make sure no one was following me.

I passed the cafe we went to earlier and continued straight. A few minutes later I passed a couple, the guy was holding his girlfriend in his arms while she was passed out in his arms. Figuring I was going the right way I continued. I kept grumbling under my breath. I hated when this happen, I've done it enough with Macey, Amy, and Luke. My parents were lucky I learned from those three not to over do it with alcohol.

To involved muttering angrily at my situation I didn't hear footsteps coming my way. With my head ducked down not seeing where I was going a minute later I slammed against something hard. I stumbled back but thankfully found my footing. Tilting my head up I was met with a tall boy. A hoodie was covering most of his face so I could only see a pair of pink lips. He stood towering over my short 5'5 frame, he had to be 6'3 or taller. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his jeans and his shoulders were slumped downwards.

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