Chapter 14...

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The image is not as sexual as it looks! 

Start Of Something Good by Daughtry on the side!

"I'm done." I panted out as I laid on the ground. I was covered in sweat, tired and bruised. Some pieces of my hair had escaped its ponytail and were plastered to my forehead. I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow no doubt. I stared up at the ceiling trying to catch my breath.

For the last hour or so Gage had kicked my butt. Sure he taught me some moves but it wasn't like I could do them as perfectly as him. Each and every time he would knock me flat on my ass or got me in some kind of hold I couldn't get out of. I did manage to hit him a few times but never once got him on the ground. It was impossible to do so even with Dylan encouraging me on the sideline.

My grunts and sometimes yelps drew attention to the few guys that were in the gym with us. They took interest in what Gage was teaching me and even let out a few sounds when I hit the floor hard. I knew Gage was going easy on me but it did not feel like it. Felt like I was getting hit with a bulldozer. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like in an actual fight with him, fists or no fists.

"Really you are done?" Gage asked standing above me looking down at my panting form. He wasn't even out of breath or had a drop of sweat on him.

"Yes. Some of us aren't robots." I said. My legs and are were spread as I laid there. I didn't care that I was currently laying down where people sweated and bled. I was tired and already sore.

"Come on a few more, you almost had it." He coaxed me. Lifting a tired arm I pointed at his face.

"No means no." My arm flopped back down too tired to keep up. "I'm just going to lay here for the rest of my life." I heard him chuckle which made my heart gallop in my chest. I haven't heard him laugh before and hearing it made me want to do anything to get him to laugh again.

A few minutes had passed when I felt a body laying down beside me. I tilted my head to see Gage laying on his back right next to him. He wasn't too close but close enough I could feel the heat coming off of him. I swear he was part werewolf or something. He didn't look an ounce out of breath or worked up. He still wore his jeans and t-shirt which was surprising that he could do that in them. I was dying in my t-shirt and shorts.

"I don't get how you do it." I said after a few minutes. My breathing was back to normal now.

"Takes practice." My head was still turned to look at him while he kept his eyes straight up. I was quiet for a little bit as I thought if I should ask him my question.

"How did you get started in all of this anyways? It isn't like underground fighting is well talked about." I finally asked. It was a question that had been eating at me all day. Gage didn't say a word for a while. Thinking he wouldn't answer I turned back around. I should know he wouldn't answer.

"I started when I was in high school." Was all Gage said. It wasn't my question but it was an answer at least. I was going to take his answer because who knew when he would ever answer again.

I stayed silent not wanting to ruin the peace that was settling around us. For once it seemed we were fine being around one anther without arguing. Neither of us spoke almost like we didn't want to ruin our moment of silence. Laying there I thought about the last hour with Gage. Sure he was 'fighting' me but he was surprisingly nice. He was patient in showing me some moves that I could get the hang of and helped me back up.

It was like a switch had been flipped on when we entered the fighting ring. Gage was nice and sarcastic making comments every few minutes. It was just so surprising I still didn't know what to make of it. As I laid there lost in thought my stomach made that moment to make growling noises.

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