Chapter 41

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"Y/N! Black coffee should be ready by now, what are you doing back there?" My boss yells at me as I am having trouble with preparing the drink, my day is ruined already and it hasn't even started yet. What am I doing? I guess nothing would be a perfect answer, I answer her in my mind as I see her standing beside me in no time. She takes the coffee from my hands, throws it away and makes another.

"Get your head back into the game," she whispers-yells, the coffee shop is full today, a few more days before Christmas and people are going crazy. I look around the coffee shop slowly and I see all the people happily chatting away with their better half, and I am standing here thinking about my loved ones and how I haven't seen them in more than a week now. I've been working late every night since boss changed the working hours. I don't get to see my wife or children as much as I did before and it's getting harder to be here.

Lauren wakes up before me to take care of Maddie and Leo, she drives Maddie to school and Leo into the kindergarten, when she drops him off, she comes home to make me some breakfast and leaves afterwards before I even get the chance to see her. She leaves a note on the counter though, a note that helps me go through the day.

"Ok. What's up tiger?" Jake yells from the other side, he's been there for me since the day we moved here, our bond is getting stronger by each day.

"Honestly? I'm tired, my eyes are so heavy, my heart misses my family," I tell him sincerely, and the look on his face lets me know that he feels for me. "Go home Y/N, you don't have to be here, I'll take over from here. Go see your family, you deserve it after all, you've been working the hardest this week." I would love to do just that, but I can't just leave.

"You can," I hear a voice coming from behind us, I turn around to see my boss leaning on the door frame. I guess Jake knew she was there. "I've been too harsh on you, but you're one of my best workers. People love you, but I understand. Family comes first. Go, before I change my mind." She whispers and I am out of the door in a second. They all laugh at me, but I don't mind it, I need some sleep, cuddles, love and mostly my family.

The road home was long and tiring, I wanted to be in their arms already. It is strange how all I wanted was to be home but now I've been standing in front of the front door for more than twenty minutes just starring at the door. I can hear sweet giggles and it makes my heart warm, but when I listen closely to the conversation that's happening inside that door my heart breaks.

"Should I prepare a plate for mommy too?" Maddie asks and Leo screams.

"Mommy, mommy, will she be here tonight?" He asks happily.

"Sorry kiddo, but no. She is not coming." Lauren answers them with pain in her voice. You should feel bad. I do, I do feel bad. You're ruining your own family. I get it ok? I get it. Do you now?

"Alright. No plate for mommy. Leo the king, can you come to the table so we can eat?" Maddie says and giggles at the things he is doing I guess.

"Yes princess Maddie I can. Queen mom," he tries to say something but a loud noise stops him from doing it. "Mom? Are you ok?" His voice shakes a bit and I want to run inside to see what's going on but Maddies voice stops me.

"It's nothing Leo don't worry, she's been feeling sick for more than a month now. She is probably throwing up, wait here and don't touch the plate alright?" She says to him and runs up the stairs behind Lauren. It's hard to stay outside so I finally open the front door and Leo freezes in front of me. His eyes shine brightly and his little legs carry him towards me, he stumbles over his own legs but I catch him just in time. "Where is my favourite boy?" I say happily as I kiss his chubby cheek.

He hides his head in my neck and his little hands are squeezing me tightly, "mommy, I've missed you so much." His sweet words hurt my little heart and I kiss his lovely face all over. "Here let me shower you with my kisses my little baby boy." He giggles loudly and I can hear Maddies voice echoing from upstairs.

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