Chapter 44

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And years. Years are slowly passing us by. I'm still standing on the same spot I stood two years ago when I had to watch her slip away. It still hurts. But I know she is happy now. She is gonna find the girl, I know she will. She is gonna be happy. She is happy. And I? I'll be fine. Eventually every pain has to pass right? I'm slowly losing my memories too. I'm not getting any younger anymore and I know it and she knew it. She did. That's why I had to let her go. Because it would be too painful for her to watch me slowly fade away.

"Mom? Are you home?" Jessie's voice echoes through the room.

"In here," I stutter out slowly, my words becoming messy, hard to understand. She walks inside the room where I am keeping all the memories of us, of our perfect little family.

Jessie looks around the place and whispers, "it's clean." I guess she didn't wanted me to hear that, but I did. I nod in agreement, I did clean the room a few hours ago, I threw our pictures and her old diary that she gave it to me two years ago, on the same day she begged me to change my mind, she begged me to stay. But I was stubborn, I wanted the best for her and lately, lately I am everything but that. The disease is slowly eating me alive, I'm drowning in my own thoughts. Every little memory since the day one is written inside that little diary and I can't do this anymore, I can't keep the memories, not that kind of memories. If the memories inside my head are slowly fading away so should the written ones. That's why I threw it into the fireplace.

"Mom's diary mommy, what are you doing?" Jessie squeaks when she sees the fireplace full of objects me and Lauren shared.

"For once Jessie, for once I am trying to do it right."

"By ruining yourself and the only thing that's left of you two?" Maddie adds as she enters the room Leo following behind like a dog. They all have the best relationship.

"You know all you have to do is call her right? She loves you," Jessie says, I have to admit it, she is just like her mother, her eyes, her nose, her hair, everything reminds me on her.

"Jess, I'm not going to do that and you know it. She deserves to be happy," I whisper quietly and I can see Maddie sitting down on the chair near by the fireplace, she takes out the old diary and starts reading it.

Today is the day, today is the day I'm going to be a mother again, y/n is running around the place with bag inside her hands screaming at no one in particular, "for goodness sake where is the bag Lauren?" She is cute, worried about me and the baby, running around the place while I am calm, it's funny how I know, that the only reason why I am this calm is because this time I am not alone, this time I have her. "Baby, you're holding the bag. Try to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down I'm pregnant. And where is the bag again?"

"The last time I checked I was the one carrying our baby. In your hand baby," I tell her and I can hear her mouth, oh, her eyes scan the room quickly and then she looks at me lovingly.

"Let's have this baby shall we?" I nod and she runs towards the door to open them and back to me, "should I carry you?"

"No, I can walk, just hold my hand." She nods, her hands are sweaty but I don't mind, it's cute how into it she is. How sweet she was all through my pregnancy. She opens the door for me and moves the seat backwards so I have more space. I can see her stop in tracks suddenly her eyes widening. "Who's going to pick up Maddie and Leo from school?"

"I texted Dinah a few minutes ago don't worry, but you'll have to worry about your ass being kicked if you don't start the car and drive. This little devil wants to get out all of the sudden." I yell in pain and squeeze her hand harshly. Y/N's eyes widen and she starts the ignition driving like she is winning the race. All through the way she kept on staring at me. "The road Y/N, the road. Keep your eyes on the road!" I scream as I squeeze her already red hand again.

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