Chapter 3: Black and white

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Qiang took a look outside of the gate before stepping out of the town. All over the place where players fighting the beginner monsters such as huge rabbits, wolves and goblins.

He took caution of other players since PK* was allowed when you weren't in a city, town or village.

After he decided that were was no need to be careful of other players attacking he took his first step out of the beginner town.

As soon as he was out of town completely a rabbit a few meters away reacted and went towards him.

'A fight with a monster as soon as I get out of town, just how lucky can I be.'

Qiang thought to himself. A second after that another thought came up.

'Why is it's fur red? Isn't the color of it's fur supposed to be the same as all the other's? Is it some kind of special monster?'

"Ceature analysis."

He said and a window popped up in front of him.

Boss Rabbit
Level 10
The leader of all the rabbits in the region. Is said to have meat that is so good you will think you are in heaven and it stays fresh for a year.

'Meat that stays fresh for a year? And so delicious you think you are in heaven? If such meat existed in real life then it would cost thousands of millions. Well this is indeed a game, there wouldn't exist such meat in real... Wait, is this really the time to think about that?!! It clearly has it's aggro on me!'

Qiang began to run towards the forest. He wanted to get to a place with less players. Since right outside of the town gate was a popular hunting area he was exposed to the attention of the other players hunting there.

'God, dammit! I don't think I can defeat a boss monster that is five levels above me at this level! I don't even have a proper sword! I because I have a monster's aggro I can't escape into the beginner town!'

When you are in battle mode you can't walk into the beginner town since there are no guards.

If a player try to run into the beginner town with a monster after them they will be stopped by a invisible barrier. So even if they want to escape into town they can't.

When he ran through the forest he got a lot of attention from other players that saw him. Some of them started laughing but no one helped him.

"Look at that idiot, he thought he could fight a boss monster at lvl 5!"

'Ugh. No, I never thought that. This god damn rabbit just started chasing me the moment I got out of the village!!'

Qiang thought to himself when he heard someone call him idiot.

'Anyway I need to find a place with as little players as possible and solve this situation quickly. I don't want more attention then I already have.'

A few minutes later he found a cave.

'This is perfect maybe I'll find something usefull inside of there. I'll also be able to hide from other players.'

He ran into the cave and the red rabbit boss follow him. But Qiang soon found himself cornered at a cliff.

'Damn, it wasn't so perfect after all.'

"Are you sure you saw the red rabbit boss follow a player in here?"

Qiang heard a male player say not far away.

"Yes, I'm completely sure. Soon we are gonna defeat that rabbit and get that amazing quest reward."

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